Live View Golf Review

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luapo46 says:

"This is not a paid review, but they did give me a free unit." LOL

Ben Rodriguez says:

I have been doing a similar thing for a few years at home, it's great feedback. I FaceTime myself from my iPhone to my iPad. You can do it on the range as well but it uses up cell phone data.

Eggo Hotty says:

I just made one of my own club head speed things with the noodle but I used pipe insulation tubes and it works really well I do 15 before golf 15 after my round and 15 at night is that too much?

Dominic May says:

If you have an old laptop and video camera with 1394 firewire ports on each, use the free kinovea software, works a treat.

Ian Jones says:

Not a bad idea – I would want some higher speed capability, as you mentioned. I have a little Casio camera I got on Ebay; I tend to record on 420fps. While I can bring it to the range and set it up on a tripod, playing it back on a tiny little screen doesn't do much for me, so I have to wait until I get home to download the images and view them. I also record my swing at the house, and that's near-instant feedback, but there I'm swinging at air. If they can get the speed up, I would be definitely interested; I for one don't know how anyone learned this game before video.

Harry Hutchings says:

if u r not already looking at Adam Scots swing, he has one of the best swing planes there are, I'm trying to extend higher on my back swing. the photo in the link shows off what ur trying to do.

Kris Bretz says:

i just ordered mine today. I'm really excited to get it!

Mitchell Blades Golf says:

nice stuff keep it up 🙂

Eggo Hotty says:

How far do u hit ur 3 wood Brendon cause u can hit ur driver really far


have you ever looked into Henrik Stenson because your swing kind of reminds me of his.

Travis Colclasure says:

Another great video, Just subscribed to your golf fitness channel its brilliant. Very interested in workouts to help improve my golf game. Thanks for the videos.

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