Longest Irons Callaway X2 Hot Vs TaylorMade SpeedBlade

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Longest Irons Callaway X2 Hot Vs TaylorMade Speedblades
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Rick Shiels Senior PGA Golf Coach at Trafford Golf Centre tests the latest longest golf irons on GC2 with real balls at Trafford Golf Centre. Longest Irons Callaway X2 Hot Vs TaylorMade Speedblades see which is the longest iron with this very unbiased test

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  • Categories: Rsi irons


Sean M says:

Please stop with term “longer” when discussing irons. I’m impressed with
driver length, not iron length. The reason you have a full set of irons
is for accuracy, not length. If you want a longer iron shot, grab the next
lower-lofted one from your bag. Although mentioned, this review should
focus on dispersion, accuracy and consistency. 

samiam1150 says:

It’s all hype.

Dtyler171 says:

Did this test include Nike Covert VRS 2.0 forged? I hit the 7 iron
190+…and my SS was 10+ MPH slower at the time. 

MrOnthesocial says:

Love the vids. Keep it up.
I play Wilson FG 62 irons. The 30 degree loft is almost the same as my 5
iron (29). Could you review the latest Wilson sets please. Would love to

mike hunt says:

Taylor made although make some decent clubs come out with a new set of
clubs every two months that would annoy the hell out me if I just bought a
new set 

William Brown says:

So basically you just proved that a stronger lofted club comes out lower
and goes farther. You could strengthen the loft on the speedblade half of a
degree and you’d probably get your extra 2 yards.

lifeson241 says:

If you hit big drives the TM would be better I assume. 

Anthony C says:

Considering these are both 6 irons with a “7” stamped on the sole, these
distances are not impressive. However, the dispersion is impressive. 

John M says:

Hi Rick,
Which of the 2 would you recommend and why, youre honest opinion. The only
thing that annoys me about TM is that a new model will be out in 3 months
so the speed blade will drop in price, bloody TM. Which would suit me i am
20 HCP, cheers.

lifeson241 says:

plus being too long would hit over the green’s!!

Jessie Boulay says:

Speed step85 shaft ?????

Rick Shiels PGA says:

Longest Irons Callaway X2 Hot Vs TaylorMade Speedblades see which is the
longest iron

John M says:

Hi Rick I thought the Rocket bladez, yellow beat the speed blade, just,
the blue???? How do the Callaway Apex or Apex pro compete in this category.

rgosens2 says:

Shady business these loft wars.
A good test would be to compare an MB, CB, and GI iron with the same
loft/length specs.
Or two GI irons with the same loft/length specs.
Preferably using an Iron Byron.
At the moment these comparisons are basically useless.
Thanks for the effort though.

JMakahaFitz says:

Did you compare either of these two to the Ping Karsten’s?

Kenneth Lee says:

excellent, unbiased, thorough and objective assessment of both sets of
clubs. Well done! How about comparing the Callaway Apex and Apex Pro
irons as well. I have heard that these are excellent irons. Cheers!

Johan Melander says:

Have you made any comparisons between blades and cavity irons Rick??
Distance, control, spin etc…

gbvoul says:

clubs have the loft of my 5 iron, and strangely enough they carry about =
to my 5 iron. Cool test though. 

John White says:

I looked up the specs on my old TaylorMade Burner XD irons (titanium face)
and the 7 iron has a 30 degree loft with same shaft length as these. I
don’t think these new irons would carry any further? Anyone have an

David McKeown says:

been waiting for this, thought you forgot Rick. I thought X2hot would win,

MacClellandMan says:

Taylormade just felt better to me than the X2 Hot. If the two extra yards
mattered, I’d loft the SB down half a degree and go with them over the

Ben Koeune says:

your reviews are great any chance you can do taylormade speedblades 8 or 9
iron vs callaway x2hot or taylormade tour mb 8 or 9 since the speedblades
pocket aren’t on any iron under 8,

Sgt Pepper says:

Be good if u could do a review of the standard apex irons Rick, keep up the
good work

thebigrock39 says:

What irons do you hit?

Pax217man says:

I prefer the “X2 Hot Pro” version of the Callaway. I have hit both of
these clubs in and I’ve found that the Taylor Made doesn’t quite of the
distance but they are very easy to control and tend a little bit more
forgiving but the Callaway’s do really just explode when you hit them. I
hit my current 6 iron about 180 yards carry but when I hit the Taylor Made
I was carrying 195-200 but the Callaway’s I was carrying 205-215 with a
club head speed of about 95-100. I honestly say its all about feel and
which club you think you’ll be consistent with when choosing between the
two because currently they are priced about the same.

Martyn Wells says:

Rick, purchased the Speedblade irons, to be honest not impressed! no better
than my Nike pro cavity irons, speedblade looked good on trackman but on
course they send the ball too high, need a better more penetrating ball
fight, any ideas?

blazingdan says:

Another solid video. Thanks! 30 degree loft for a 7-iron is crazy strong
for me. My Titleist 680 7i is 36 I think. LOL! Heck, even my 6i is 32
degrees. Things have changed. : )

Keep’em coming!

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