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Mark Crossfield talks golf travel and how to get the most from your golf trip. If its long haul or a trip to Europe see what tips the gang have to help you enjoy your next golf in the sun holiday. Playing golf abroad offers some different challenges with travel and warmer temperatures. Make sure you are not caught out and make these simple mistakes that could make a fun golf trip harder. Golf in the sun with the right people should be some of the best times you have this Top 5 travel tips video should help you get the most from your hard earned relax time. From golf in Spin, golf in Portugal, golf in Turkey to golf trips around the world these guides can help you get the most from your golf holiday.

Music by LabelGREY

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Music by LabelGREY

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Benjamin Fortin says:

You mentioned one of my biggest pet peeves, USE appropriate tees! So many people think there is a "mens" tee or "ladies tee" and they must play that tee, there is no gender to the tee, yet here in the USA I hear and see this constantly people who can't break 100 playing the tips. Not only is that not enjoyable, but it is rude to the rest of us who are behind you because it takes you six hours to play a round.

clem fisher says:

When I booked an overnight trip to Celtic Manor for some mates this year, the first reply was 'is the curry house booked?'

louis madden says:

Dan just completely disrespected Handcrafted. How did Coach not freak out?

Nicholas Blair says:

Good tip with Sudocrem, there is NOTHING worse than chefs arse!

Ron Stratton says:

Seriously good points. Baby powder for me. And Under Armour underwear. No cotton when it's hot!

dbdors says:

Tip #6 get a Sun Mountain Club Glider, then you’re not dragging your clubs around

Martin Ritchie says:

Bluetooth speaker for the tunes in the golf buggy

Allan Butler says:

noticed your subs went up from 280k to 281k great to see your channel is still growing, is a great resource for info and entertainment… thanks bra

Ashley Taylor says:

When playing in hot weather drink plenty of water don't drink alcohol as it will dehydrate you

Rob Siekerka says:

Great timing! Off to Michigan for 6 rounds this weekend. Cheers

P McRae says:

Another well rounded Video from Mark and the gang. Always great info and well placed humor!!!!

robert boyce says:

Everyone hates swamp hole!??

David t says:

Mark… long shot but do you have a 915 or 917 3 wood? (preferably the 915 F model) 15 degrees in stiff you would be willing to sell? hate my aeroburner have to hit a big slice to keep it straight. Everyone I have looked at on eBay is skied like raymondos lol. thanks bruh

Andrew Le Moine says:

Do you shower with your glasses on Mark? Must get all steamed up, especially with all this talk about rubbing stuff on your goolies!

andrew woodley-page says:

I travel a fair bit long haul for my.sons golf and my work. Make sure you have the necessary power adapter to fit the countrys wall sockets. Also fully precharge devices, tooth brush, shaver etc

Luke Turner says:

Have a trip handicap system. Winner cut 2 shots, loser gains 2 etc etc. Keeps it tight and everyone involved!

Terry Seymour says:

Bepanthen nappy rash cream. It's the best for golfers chaffing. ??

Shippey 1970 says:

I use the 3 sheets of toilet paper folded and placed in between ya bits and botty, before I go out and play.

daniel green says:

Loads of little packing clubs safely tips, but they’re everywhere. Most important one for me if is definitely the last one. Playing good golf shouldn’t make or break your trip. Chances are you won’t play your best, so don’t stress when you skank it round Carnoustie.

My other tip from playing Scotland was to play quirky shorter courses. Played some of the big names and I had more fun and played more true linksy creative golf on the shorter old courses like The Glen and Kilspindie. Don’t worry about the yards on the card.

FF2312674333 says:

Liked that ??

Nick Dear says:

I need that cream brah!!!!!!!!!!

Alan Waterworth says:

the bathroom scene was a bit racy for a bald chap with glasses, is Sudocrem a new sponsor, along with Werthers? 😉

Joe Russell says:

Love golf in Tenerife, looking forward to the vlogs. Buenavista is amazing.

Loco Benno says:

I'm loving all the tips, keep 'em coming…my travel tips: *get a travel bag that combines clubs and clothes so you can check the lot, then put your heavies such as golf balls and electronics and such into your carry on; *keep your golf bag packed at a bear minimum, you don't need a shag bag's worth of practice balls, just take a dozen and buy more if you lose them; *and for those of you with this mythical golfer's bum, for deity's sake buy some functional underwear will you? get some bamboo/cotton blend trunks and get rid of those bloody Y-fronts your mum bought you….but if it's the case that you like to take a dump after your morning shower, well, you're on your own

Alistair Wilson says:

Broomstick in the bag to stop clubs getting snapped. I still do this even if I take the heads off

Itchy420 says:

Please I need more details as were to apply these Sudocrem?

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