Chris Ryan gives you three key things that you can work on to ensure you eliminate those 3 putts from your game.
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Just finished a round with 7 three putts I need this
such a bad explanation
If i do this where I play I'll get my mates saying hurry up you bloody wanker!
Terrific lesson. Succinct and sensible.
oh nooooo. No walking the putt, mate. We need faster rounds in the general public, not longer rounds.
Chris, thank you for giving me your three ways to improve my putting. Did it work? You betcha. I had an immediate and significant improvement in my putting results. Only three putted once in the round and single putted from 8’ft + four times. I didn’t do much in the way of prowling around, that wouldn’t go down too well with the lads. They like to get on with things. Concentrated on the last two. Great. What I did discover was that, without noticing it, I had allowed my pre putting routine to become virtually non-existent. Your methods put that right. I now believe that I will continue to improve. Thanks again.
i still 3 putt that…dang 🙂
Thanks for the new putting routine and process ideas Chris ! Have adopted your 3 suggestions and its made a huge improvement. Have watched lots of putting videos and this has been one of the best and simplest to apply. Have subscribed to your channel and keep the videos coming !
I have gone 3 years without a 3 putt, until today, I had 11 3 putts, I have reached my breaking point, this seems legit, hope it works
This video is amazing! I watched it last week, had one practice session applying the 3 items then had one of my best putting rounds ever on Sunday which lead to a lifetime best score!
This helping anyone?