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See how Rick Shiels hits the new Mizuno JPX EZ Forged irons on Gc2 using the new FSX software



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videom says:

i'm a 5 HCP and these are great! Just shot a 74…make sure you get the xp 95 shafts in stiff. can't go wrong!

Brian Crowder says:

Just bought these as you say "Luuvve them"

TommyV Virs says:

Nice one thanks, I just bought the JPX forged, I have been looking for a replacement for my Ben Hogan Apex plus but couldn't find anything until now. When I put the 7 irons up to each other there almost identical but like you said a little bit more boxier, but that's what I was looking for, a little more forgiveness, and the feeling of security. As I'm playing to a 12 now, when I bought the Apex I was a 9. I'm very happy very smooth to hit and my miss hit are not so off. Great Clubs

Oli B says:

I'm buying these clubs…. stiff flex or regular flex. I'm a +24 golfer

Kalvin Matthews says:

what shafts were used in this video? has anyone gamed these yet? I'm looking at buying but the stock TT XP 95 seems a little light thinking about going with the KBS tours

The Scholaredamerican says:

What are the most forgiving high launching forged irons?

Casey Silvers says:

Great channel Rick! Do you know if there's any difference between these and the older jpg ez

Jacob says:

favorite cb forged irons in the past 2 years? for a 8 -10 handicapper. recommendations?

Bunker says:

You hit target with almost every shot, yet you complained about their size and at the end claimed they weren't for a golfer like you. I bet they'd do you better than the Hogan blades!

OxiClean says:

Christ….wish I could hit a 190yd 7 lol

Barkingtoad 1 says:

Playing Nike vapor fly pro irons but now Nike have stopped making clubs would these be a good swap

Sam Parker says:

Trying to decide these or jpx 850

Mark Wisniewski says:

Does anyone have a review of the JPX EZ forged vs the older 850 forged? The 850 forged are a couple years older, but I've heard the the feel is better on the 850 forged and golf digest also rates the 850s higher.

David bboy bboy says:

after watching your video Rick went and bought a set of EZ forged absolutely love them I love the feel and the distance you are right it took awhile to get used to the way but once I did I absolutely loved it you are very accurate spot on on your assessment of these clubs thanks

Simon White says:

Think I'll definitely be trying these

Theboat83 says:

Just gonna buy them in 30 mins!!!

David Brown says:

Do you they're meant to be pronounced e zee (easy) as the yanks would say?

Barry smith says:

Hi Rick just a quick question I see when you hit the pitching wedge it as 45 degrees but when you launch the ball it is coming off at 24 why is it some delofted and is is this a true reading that most people deloft by some much thanks Barry South Wales

Paul Walker says:

Really like the new software – looks great. Nice review.

Kory Schrauben says:

Love your reviews rick! Any way you could review the Cobra King F6 irons?! Thanks!

gr8dryv says:

what shaft did you have in these?

Joe Perez says:

Almost two years ago you reviewed the original version of the JPX EZ-Forged (with the orange colored trim in the back cavity), which are a set of irons that I own. You seem to be carrying the new model about 5 yds more with the 7 iron, with an apex about 2 yds higher as well. Do you have any opinion as to comparisons between the two versions?

Derek Guzman says:

I like the new software look! But, I paid for one of your online lessons and filled out the evaluation sheet with clips of my swing. It's been like almost a month now and I still haven't gotten my lesson back. Just wondering what is up Rick.

Brad Devers says:

I would like to say that the new software looks awesome, and I would agree that these irons are little to chunky on appearance. Good review Rick

Adam Flynn says:

I'm a big mizuno fan but these are too offset for me (which is why I think Rick is pulling them a smidgen)
I am a chrome till I die person but these irons do look great..the faces are still chrome in colour which is what I like so the smokey finish around the face works for me.
These clubs do look very forgiving but if that's what u either want or need go get them
mizuno don't give stuff away but these are similar in price (lower actually) than some of the other top brands in this category
Having used mizuno for the last…uhmmm more years than I care to mention haha.
I can tell you it is true "nothing feels like a mizuno"
and nobody does irons better ?

neoone75 says:

Pitching wedge is too big and chunky. You loved Ping G irons. They are bigger and chunkier. Aren't they?

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