Open Special Course Golf Lesson Part 3

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Open Special Course Golf Lesson Part 3 with Mark Crossfield and James Dimond. This is the final part of the links Open special. Mark Crossfield the AskGolfGuru and fitness guru James Dimond are playing around Dawlish Warren golf links while talking about how to play links golf and golf shots. watch them hitting drivers, irons and wedges as they try to hole putts for birdies and pars. Play your best golf with AskGolfGuru golf videos.

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Mark Crossfield says:

Links golf Open special part 3. Stop working and get golfing.

The Nocturnal Brony says:

Hey Mark! I’m New To Your Channel I Am A Serious Rookie At Golf And I
Wanted To Ask If You Will Do A Video For Beginners? That’s If You Haven’t
Done So Already. Cheers. ( :

Neil Jones says:

Dead sheep James – or commonly known as still you!

Fat Kittyyy says:

What irons does James use?

thetone79 says:

Can you show you kit list please?

bob paine says:

Hi mark, My little bro is 14 and drives the ball 327 yards average with a
three wood, he swings like nicolas colsaerts, I average drives with three
wood 341 yards, we don’t like drivers, the shots are accurate too, straight
with slight draws, i know it’s really far, is it that impressive, anyone
welcome to comment, btw fantastic videos, great stuff

MaliciousSeditionist says:

Can’t get enough of these

stuart gardiner says:

Cheers mark and james

Mike Nicholls says:

Mark, fabulous job with these course golf lessons and am trying to watch
every one. Can I say that you are using lots of video technology out there.
Cam in hand, on tripod and at ground level. But cutting to a mosaic of
shots just as the ball is being struck means I instantly lose the
essentials of what you are trying to show. If you are going to do this, do
it very early and leave the same composite shot throughout the swing. Then
the eye has already adjusted to what you are trying to show us.

Daryl Nath says:

Awesome M8 keep em coming!!

Kris Eames says:

hey love your videos really help, im new to golf but am hooked you cant
heap me away from the course. ive only been playing for a couple weeks and
roughly playing around 18 over. one aspect of my game that keeps annoying
me is topping the ball when using my irons and i rarely take a divit. how
can i improve this?

David Wadhams says:

A great start would be to check out lessons on grip, stance and posture…
if any of those three are off you won’t be able to hit at good consistent
attack angles.

Ian Blackburn says:

Harsh lessons with muscle backs of course 😉

craglyboy says:

Loft lie wise there wouldn’t be much they can do because they are cast
clubs not easy to bend them after the fact, you can change the shafts or
grips but would be expensive.

Pim Thijssen says:

Great vid Mark!

michael fetty says:

great videos, wish had less wind noise!

Mahavishnu80 says:

How much do you all love golf? I played from 7 to 13 and just got really
frustrated with it. Now im 33 and Inspired by the open im considering
getting back into it but dont want to spend a lot if its just going to be a
nightmare. Im only 5ft 7 but im well built so not sure if i will be able to
hit far.

John M says:

Great video guys, you make it look so easy. Keep them coming, love it,

Gorilla James says:

Looking solid average James a.k.a Dimond fitness

mrtjs123 says:

i like how you use the different angles

jygolfer94 says:

They are both professionals, i.e. no handicaps or 0 handicap.

Ian Robertson says:

Further to Windsurfing Films, is there any chance you could do a Matchplay
special? Fourball, Foursome, Greensome etc?

GivenQuality4Life says:

Is this a course thats still in development?

Trev D says:

2:50 tiger woods PGA tour?

Duane Garbett says:

Was that building a stance in the bunker? I have always wondered where that
line is in the sand trap….

jobby says:

Hi mark, I am looking for new grips, I have tour velvet and find when my
hands are sweaty and when it rains, I lose my grip and at times the club
comes flying away, do you have any recommendations in terms of what grips I
should get

Ian Blackburn says:

Hi mark, I bet you can’t wait to get your hands in the new mp-4 irons. They
have a video on the mizuno channel for them now. They look amazing, I
completely agree when the guy says about using these type of clubs to learn
as you instantly know when hit hit good/bad shots through the feel.

Matt March says:

Great to watch just to great golf instructors playing a nice round of golf
together. Just awesome!

Ben Neal says:

Cord grips provide more moisture management then the rubber tour velvet.
Very different feel thought. You may want to give the multi-compound from
golf pride a try! A combo of rubber and cord.

cttshredder says:

Love the on courses! Keep it up !

tom stansmore says:

really like these videos…. Well done Mark…. Just as helpful as a
“lesson” video if not more..

Maxwell Narr says:

Thanks for the playing lessons Mark. Get James Diamond to do a WITB. (and a
mini review on his iron shafts) Keep up the great vids.

Leigh Cowie says:

Best type of video you upload, love it. Good idea would be to do a good
video of 4 ball with Kevin (inc stupid hats) and the mighty gorilla maybe
in a game of skins or 2 on 2 fourball 🙂 that would be brill. I’m seeing
Mark/Gorilla vs Kevin/James. Anyone agree ?

02Mulder says:

Well main questions really is there a limit to how much they can customize
the clubs for me after I purchase them

Spencer Goforth says:

Second too like

Golf Prodigy says:

I love how you guys hit just as far as I do with a 5 iron, then you pull
out your driver and blast it 50 yds further. Makes sense

JayCee288 says:

Love this type of video!

02Mulder says:

I have a question for mark or anyone that could answer it. just bought a
set of burner 2.0 irons. Is it possible to get them customized after
receiving them standard.

Teis Bolduc says:

Hey Mark, you should do a foursome round, “Fitness James” & you vs. Kevin &
“Gorilla James”

tigerbalm says:

We don’t have links in the States! I love links courses.

PS3gamer379 says:

Wouldn’t think so

NeroxWoW says:

OK TROLL GG 327 yrds with a 3 wood u sure…

Hotdogxxxx says:

I love these videos just the course looks little to dry for me. 🙁

loosebumhole says:

microphone muffler would be nice the wind noise bit annoying but nice
camera angles

SuperMozzman says:

Golf meets ’24’ I like it 🙂

Online Optics says:

Aye the Warrens a good course… used to live in Starcross … do they
still have that pitch and putt at the end of Starcross on the bend?

bigtank616 says:

that wind is terrible

thetone79 says:

Loving this, great vids, keep them coming!

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