Open Special Golf Course Lesson

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Open Special Golf Course Lesson, with Mark Crossfield and James Dimond. PGA professional mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru and professional golfer james Dimond talk you around their golf games and thoughts on a classic links course in Devon in the south west of England. Dawlish Warren Golf Links is a classic golf course with summer dry fairways and links greens with speed. This is a open special to show you how we play links course as the professional struggle around Murfield golf course in the 2103 Open Championships.

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Adzy Nealo says:

At 10:06 it was a 3 iron not a 2 iron you liar

TREXgameplay says:

Say hello james ‘hi’ a very short welcome james

simon forde says:

dawlish warren ……great course

TREXgameplay says:

Links stylie love it

TREXgameplay says:

Awesome video guys

Mark Crossfield says:

Open special oncourse video from AskGolfGuru Mark Crossfield. Love links

hjamill59 says:

Good video but need to correct the sound of the wind

dta86 says:

what’s to say he doesn’t have a 3 iron bent to a 2?

Punkterad Pankaka says:

Haha drop a match on that fairway and the whole golf course is on fire.

Francois Parent says:

Mark you should change your bag… it’s look bad…

Reese Murray says:

just gets annoying when someone does it every shot, prefer to only see it
when tiger for example hits a lovely low powerful stinger.

ilgiga says:

Did you go to Africa to make this video? 😀

MrMalditor says:

In a previous video he explained his 3 iron is bent to 2 iron. Easy to not
know though.

Dan says:

Usually people will spin it if they hit a good one, but he just does it
whenever he dam well pleases to no matter good or bad, it’s pretty funny, I

dta86 says:

what’s to say he doesn’t have a 3 iron bent to a 2?

Derek Cairns says:

looks like hes playing in the middle of the desert when hes on those

sjhuk says:

7:43 – FORE!

HarryEccy says:

Living the dream boys. Love links golf

stfn00 says:

i think its annoying when some goofball on the internet tells someone they
DON’T EVEN KNOW how to act and what to do WITH HIS golf club, once he has
played a shot

Matthew Wright says:

I’ll do a deal, you come up to anyone playing golf at the time, and you say
that to them… We’ll have the hospital waiting for you…

StankPunatra says:

Final scores?

memyselfandDaniel says:

Links (golf) wikipedia

Brian Thomas says:

why are you watching the video the ya retard

Jason Bruce says:

24tdiddy from what I saw it was mizunos

Buffoon1980 says:

There’s a lot of Australia. It was definitely pushing 27 in my part of it
the last few days.

Jerry Brown says:

Great video.thanks for taking me with you.

MaRbLeChEeSe1 says:

Looks like a big sand trap.

1962yoda says:

Not saying I agree with it but at my club wearing those sports socks
wouldn’t be allowed

Spender94 says:

Hi mark, just a quick question? Did you ever go to Q school, if so what did
you learn from the experience? Many thanks 😀

TheCreeperInTheWoods says:

its snowing there right now?

Tony N says:

Really enjoying the videos Mark. I noticed you were using a stabilser for
your cam. What one is it? Im having a tough time deciding which one to get,
to use with my Galaxy S 4 for recording my golf. Review on yours maybe???

Eric Ewers says:

You should keep a running total on screen and see who wins to make it a
little more interesting

dairniel says:

That course looks like a lot of fun. I’ve never played links golf before.
Mark, I think you need to go and visit Glenn Billington again 😀

Andrew Rodger says:

This James is a my pick over the egotistical ‘Gorilla’ James.

Dale Hughes says:

James with the Yes putter!

TheStephen30 says:

Hi mark great content I find myself using a lot of your tips on the course.
I find that my golf balls are being shredded on the outside when I use
irons is it me or the club??

kobdobla says:

haha its so hot, prob 30!! Were about to have a 27 degree day and its
winter in oz!!!

Owen Deroos says:

Great video. I’m just not a fan of those fairways. I like to play golf on
nice green fairways.

UofLFan1224 says:

Good putt up that bank James. Snedy would’ve taken that today haha

vassilis01 says:

that’s what happens if its hot and no water…

memyselfandDaniel says:

Links (golf) wikipedia

jessead89 says:

His 2 iron stinger was a 3 iron at 10:02

Luke Bletchly says:

Weekly Vlogs please Mark!! Cracking stuff 🙂

Blayne Banghart says:

You should do a nine hole match play tourney between the two of you.

Joshua La Fond says:

Oh my god the greens are awesome

David Schultz says:

30 degrees celcius

Colin Byrne says:

Course looks like a proper shithole!

Robert Coyle says:

whats james handicap ??? ,great vid by the way

ih8pikeys says:

Wow.. those fairways.

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