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Ping i25 TaylorMade RSi2 Irons reviewed and compared by Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark hits the i25 from Ping golf up against the TaylorMade RSi2 irons and talks distance, loft and which iron might help you play some better golf. Play your best golf with Mark's easy to follow and understand golf tips and drills along with his original equipment reviews.
You should review not so top of the line clubs like cobra or Wilson
wouldn’t mind seeing the bio cell or amp cell being compared to these new
clubs like rsi!
no wonder they perform the same when they essentially have the same cavity
back design.
Always interesting that the club manufacturers seem to want to trick us
with regard to distances. It’s getting to a stage where the static loft
should be on the bottom not the ‘iron number’ as that doesn’t seem to mean
anything anymoy
finally im not in the 301+ views club
Hi Mark, I’m surprised Ping have got Lee Westwood so “up-to-date” with his
clubs !
I looked in his bag a couple of years ago and his irons were all Zing 2s
(about 7 models out-moded) , and he still uses a G10 driver to this day .
I’d go with the Ping, only because it’s less effort to say the name Ping
rather than Tay Lor Made.
HI Mark I have ping i20’s, have had them from new. not looking for a change
but am I missing out as many player including you seen to change quite alot.
thnaks Andy
+Mark Crossfield
ok. so the TM iron is “longer”. but where is this gonna end? PW with 42
degrees? then i’m gonna need 5 additional wedges to cover the shorter
Good review Mark but can you show the clubs at address? that’s the money
Excellent points on comparative values, Mr Crossfield. I’ve been called a
TMAG fanboy because my entire set is TM (Driver to putter). But my bag is
an OGIO, I game Titleist ProvV1x, my shirts are generic (PGA Tour), my
shorts are Nike, my pants are Under Armour, my shoes are Nike, my golf
glove is Nike (ie NOT TM nor Adidas).
I had myself fitted for clubs last year. When it came down to final
choice, Pings, Titleist, and TMs were my best numbers and they were pretty
much identical (much like your analysis in the video above). But, I had a
store coupon at 15% off final purchase total. Ping and Titleist equipment
were exempt from the coupon (they called it “manufacturer’s directive”).
So, naturally, I bought the one brand that the coupon would work on. I did
not care about “speed pockets”, or MOI, or PGA Tour Pro staffer. The
performance numbers are the same… but I had more dough in my pocket when
I left the store with TM clubs than I would have with Ping or Titleist
(which I used for more lessons).
Hello Mark, I play x100 in my irons and recently also fitted x100 shafts in
my woods and the driver is surely next as soon as I can find a reasonably
priced uncut 42″ long x100 shaft. Anyway, I love the feel so much I am also
considering shafting my putter with a x100 – thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Still loving my i25s.
Yeah, i’m liking what your saying in this video Mark….I’m a cat 1 player
who is more focused on measurements of degree and filling the gaps that
way. Numbers on the tops of clubs are irrelevant…I would personally go
with the pings for 3 reasons….looks, cost (pings are nearly £300 cheaper
from most stores/outlets) and finally….how i could work around the
degrees….5 wedges seems crazy to me!
I think the real issue here is that with Rsi2 (stronger loft, distance
irons) you lost one club in the short, mid distance.Rsi2 irons PW 45 loft-
7 iron 31 is only 4 irons. Ping i25 PW 46 – 6 iron 30 5 irons. It means
that with Rsi2 the distance gap between the clubs is bigger. Which makes
the accurate shot from short to mid distance more difficult. Also Rsi2 4
iron 21 loft it is a hybrid for a mid handicaper
Mark, what does a “better player” lose by using a forgiveness club, or what
does he-she gain by using a non-forgiveness blade type for example?
can you review the wilson staff fg tour 100 irons
Hahahaha Mark, you totally topped that first swing @ 2:02. Nice editing!
Great video though!
The point is dispersion. If you have a bunker to the left and water in
front then tighter dispersion (on miss hits) wins the day. Until we analyse
the data from this point of view we are getting nowhere!
Glad to see you mentioned the loft and length of the clubs. All too often
reviewers fail to mention (or don’t know?) the specs of the clubs and are
amazed at how far the new iron hits (for a six iron etc) when in actual
fact the loft has been cranked and play as a ‘traditional’ 5 iron. No
surprises just clever (sneaky) marketing, Great review. Thanks Mark
Mark have you thought of doing videos on training products, such as mats or
such. Maybe a good start : FairwayPro Divot Simulator Golf Mat
I tried Rocketballz a couple seasons ago, deluded into thinking I was
getting more distance as they were juiced up. Never really happy with them,
decided to switch back to PING and the G25s fit like a glove for mid-duffer
like me.
He He lovely stuff – it would be so much easier if the powers that be just
specifed that all numbered clubs must to set to specific lofts otherwise
they must be labelled with the actual loft like wedges – at present the
numbers mean nothing – labels should mean something or they are worthless –
when you are mixing clubs from different ranges and manufacturers these
things matter.
Someone needs to create an app that turns a smart phone into a launch
Great objectivity.