R15 Fairways – Made of Greatness

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Only our greatest breakthroughs are worthy of being called an R. 15 years of our groundbreaking metalwoods technologies from the #1 driver in golf have been fused with brand new innovations into a single, game-changing design. We put everything we have into the R15, so you can find out what you have—in you.

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ethanspedge2K10 says:

Bought this club today, changed from my SLDR and honestly if you can find
the right position for the weights it becomes an easy and forgiving club to
use. Excellent for me considering i struggled with the driver. Feels a lot
lighter than the SLDR and it also sits really nice. Taylormade really have
produced a players driver rather than a massive hitter…however this thing
does also carry for miles…but now in a relatively streight line. So
thanks for the help taylormade :)

cgasucks says:

Same old…same old..

Antony Gwynne says:

Can’t wait to give this a smash!!!

Jorge Gutierrez says:

What means the hl in the 3hl or 5 hl wood?


TBRAYO1 says:


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