Simple Golf Swing

Click For Free Video: Simple Golf Swing

We all want a simple golf swing. So why do we feel like 100 thoughts are racing through our mind while we are over the golf ball? The truth is, most instruction is geared toward small pieces that don't matter. In this video, I give you 6 easy steps to play great golf this week.

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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12 thoughts on “Simple Golf Swing

  1. Went from a 4-6 handicap with no lessons. 4 year break from game 12-16 handicap, took lessons, redesigned swing, got progressively worse, with back pain. Best $77 dollars spent on golf was top speed golf annual pass, and only 1 week in using step one and step two drills. No tightness in back and seeing power and strike consistency returning already. Thank you.

  2. Clay, I have that Gary Player "step-over" follow thru going on! Any thoughts on a drill or a swing thought to focus on? Thanks!
    I really enjoy the videos and they are helping me build a more reliable swing.

  3. This is one of the best instructional videos that I have been lucky enough to find. Your method has allowed me to improve my swing sequence and gain much more confidence in my swing. Thank you for you help!

  4. Nice video clay. Nothing but quality information and drills from you to help us who struggle, but love this game so much. Best of luck to you and top speed golf. You are a great asset to youtube golf channels!

  5. As an ex rugby player these exercises alone really free up my stiff back. Doing these exercises alone will no doubt allow me to become more supple. Thanks again for a great video.

  6. Brilliant stuff. I get so caught up in mechanics when I truly believe that my biggest problems have more to do with my footwork, weight shift, and turn. Thanks for the simple and clear video. You're a one of a kind instructor.

  7. Alot of these exercises have helped loosen up my back, was involved in a car accident about 5 years ago, had a torn L2 disc and 2 herniated disc L4-L5.
    Thanks for your videos Clay.

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