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@hammygolf says:

Go check out my new BREAK 72 series (episode 1) and let me know what you think!⛳️????

@TheHitesh2000 says:

“Guys if you can’t keep it inside the net, I’m gonna back da ass with a bleed ????????????”

@ANaemICantSpel says:

They could probably put a top net, unless there's a reason not to of course

@SouthSideBabyJ says:

"YoU nEEd tO LeAVE!"

@Amtrak6908fan says:


@CallMeV_ says:

What’s your best drive

@zaidamartinezmendoza1880 says:

I went there yesterday

@tracynguyen7799 says:

She is complaining how good you were

@JohnGambleOfficialYouTube7247 says:

“Guys, if you can’t keep it inside the net, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave”

@Anytimeiscrazy says:

These videos are so fake

@rrholt3705 says:

Obviously your calculations of height and distance of the netting is incorrect …
Thus allowing a 160 pound kid to clear your netting.
Now get it adjusted…Or we will ask you to close your business.

@sonicrose8430 says:

She seems really salty that they failed to make the place big enough to accommodate for someone who’s good at hitting a golf ball

@Wringhtonhotnes says:

iwanna be pin wait did she say if you cant keep it in the net then shes gonna grab ur @ss wtf ☠☠☠

@Slade8808 says:

This lady is everywhere

@scottyensen says:

well, yeah, dick move bombing shots into a highway

@lindsaymarabrowning9928 says:

It wasn’t his fault????

@grechemache says:


@CCROGGY says:

God damn Karen Voice!

@jakedavis8860 says:

The voice is not real

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