Taylormade JetSpeed Rescue Hybrid

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Review of the Taylormade JetSpeed Rescue Hybrid 2014 by Award winning PGA Professional Matthew Conner,

UK Golf Tuition Breaks. The Number one in the North East:


Matthew's most recent awards ‘Golf Foundation PGA Professional of the year 2009', ‘Scarborough & District Sports Coach of the Year 2010' and former PGA Rookie of the year.

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TXchadTX says:

but…..but what about all that “white technology” ? :(

Colin Delaney says:

Thank you..that was fast… Some say the lower cg is causing poor constancy
in shots or is that unfair

emac417 says:

thanks for showing us the new products!

Colin Delaney says:

Hey.. The the videos and the app… Between the SDLR and jet speed what do
you think the main differences are..I’m looking to buy a 17deg rescue for
low pen links flight golf… Wondering what you would recommend 

Philip Otter says:

Do you think it is good for me as I have got 17hcp and started playing 4
monts ago? Please answer, great video!

Lloyd D says:

Test the jetspeed range against against the rbz stage 2 see which go’s

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