TaylorMade R9 Irons | Review

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http://www.4golfonline.com/taylormade-m-37.html The R9 Taylor Made Irons for 2010 feature loads of technology to help you play some better golf. TaylorMade Irons are always popular and do perform, watch Mark Crossfield's video review of the R9 irons.

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Speedy Golf Cart says:

Its very easy to hit these far:)

A5iaNatorTV says:

The look of the R9 Irons varies from person to person. The traditional look
is appealing to some. Others prefer something like a Burner 2.0’s look – a
little more junk in the trunk.

TheeFreakiishlyz says:

@93hickey 1 round =/= a reason to recommend everyone avoid these… Takes
couple rounds to properly get used to new irons.

MrCircus177 says:

I love my R9’s, and yes they do look a bit odd.

Andrew Agostino says:

what handicap are these for?

marty maness says:

Just bought a set of the r9 for $299 graphite. The ball does fly very high.
So far so good. Gonna give my 2.0 a rest for a while and see what happens.

rickygnr says:

@KidxtfGolfer r9 has much more of a blade feel to them you really have to
hit them both

shnipandmono says:

@93hickey you cant judge clubs on 1 round of golf!! plus if you are the
good golfer that you think you are, you would be able to hit any club well!
The r9s are great irons and have improved my game alot, the fact that you
had one bad game of golf doesn’t mean that the club is terrible it means
your game was off that day.

DeTr0iTiGeRs says:

@KidxtfGolfer based on this guys videos: 1.33 smash 111mph 09 burner 1.28
smash ?mph r9 I think the r9 is probably a little better on the golf
course, but if you are looking for distance and its a little cheaper 09
burners are a great choice too. I haven’t got to try either one out, but
thats what the verdict seems to be from most reviewers.

Nathan Franklin says:

im an 18 handicapper and these irons suit me just fine 🙂

ConnorandTyler says:

hey mark, Im thinking of getting new irons. I would like to get the mizuno
mp-53, but i dont have alot of money to spend. Is there a huge difference
between the mp-53 and the r9? Thanks.

john mike says:

i love my new R9 iron. longer 10yards than others, and easier to swing.

spartansfan5 says:

Wud these be good for an intermediate player such as an 11 handicap

93hickey says:

I tried these irons for one round and hated every moment of it. they are
without a doubt the worst irons i have ever used. you get absolutely NO
distance control whatsoever, i would advice everyone to steer well clear of
these irons

FDNYEMS55 says:

I’ve been in the market for new irons for awhile. Yesterday I ordered the
R9’s w/ -2 degrees flat and the KBS 90 shafts. I spent 2 hours with the
local shop doing swing analysis, etc. and it came down to the R9, the Ping
I15’s, the Adams Idea A7’s, and the Mizuno MX’s. It was a tough decision,
but as the video says, the R9 has that extra edge in distance and smash
factor. Can’t wait to get these on the course.

Compromiseand Tolerate says:

@jordanlawrence96 how serious are you about golf

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