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TaylorMade RBZ Stage 2 Driver RocketBallZ , reviewed by Mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru and PGA professional. Watch Mark hit the TaylorMade RBZ stage 2 driver and see if it could help you play some better golf and hit more fairways. The adjustable head and white graphics will be a popular golf club among golfers from around the world. This is a distance driver for golfers looking to hit the golf ball maximum distance.
Should I get a bonded or adjustable driver? I’m 15 yo btw. Thanks!
You could pick up some club speed if you would ditch that tight ass jacket
my man.
I bought one of these off ebay a week ago, I’ve never had a problem with
control of drivers but this is an absolute slicing machine, maybe i need it
custom fitted but i don’t want to get it custom fitted and still not able
to hit it then its lost sell on value. it would also be the first driver
I’ve ever needed custom fitted.
Hi Mark. I’ve just bought one of these to replace my ageing Mizuno Mp600.
Found it goodt on the driving range. However on the course it’s a different
story. With the Mizuno I was consistently hitting it in the centre of the
face. With the TM I’m hitting out of the top of the face. Any ideas?
Many thanks
Got one it’s amazing
Great Driver, hit it higher and longer than any driver in the past. Course
this is my first Modern driver. LOL
If someone gave u one of those drivers you’d cream ur pants so shut it.
hey Mark i assume your fitting/filming location is in England. how cold is
it there at the moment. these range balls must be rockhard in these cold
At first I hated the TM paint jobs 2013, and I didn’t like TM at all. But
had a driver fitting and hit the RBZ stage 2 amazingly well. Not that much
further than the best of my former tour driver, but the average drive was
straighter, higher and longer – even after shortening it to 45 inches. I
now absolutely love hitting more fairways and the fact that the drives I
haven’t hit perfectly still goes much further, and straighter, than with my
old driver.
And that is the damn truth. But just like any sport there will always be
new gimmicks to milk more money out of players.
lets hope no club manufacturer ever reads this comment …
just got mine suckas
RBZeeee Zaaaaat Zeeee LOL n1!
why do these drivers keep getting longer and longer shafts? WTF? I cut mine
down to 44-44.5. Way more control and easier to hit for an amateur, and
minimal loss of distance in my opinion
I had this driver and it sucked
Hey Mark, what do you think about the slkz swing accelerator?
i like how mark doesnt give in to taylormades marketing, nice honest
review. personally i think taylormade is agood brand but way too flashy and
poppy type of brand. needs to just keep it simple, back to basics 🙂
Everytime he says Rocketballz I’m still expecting to hear the children
yelling ROCKETBAAAAAALLZ in the background.
Fuck “zed”…
I have the rbz and rbz stage 2, I personally like the look of the stage 2
more.. I feel the older one has more control, stage 2 for distance, but
that could be the shaft length… Also.. I didn’t care for the stock grip
on stage 2, but that’s it
Ace Mark. You are almost as cynical about Taylormade as me! I mean, why do
they release essentially the same club every year…. And why are people
being suckers and buying them?! More money than sense?
My dad got this and I got the VR_S Covert driver he loves his and I love
mine 2 amazing drivers
Hi Mark, I play off 18 and looking for a new driver. I am torn between the
RBZ stage 2 or the JPX825 and would like to know which one you would
recommend. Thanks in advance cheers Phil
They have clearly run out of things to do with drivers. The limits were
hit..years ago. Now…lets just paint the head and we’ll get the suckers to
buy it. The adjustable crap is retarded too. I see guys changing it almost
every hole….very annoying. Just get a Mizuno MP driver and be done with
it..or stick with your old “outdated” driver and spend the money on playing
more. Peace.
My advice, if your golf gear is fine put your money into lessons aided by
Trackman and try to get some numbers. I wish I could find one in France.
hay guys, just wondering if any of you could take a really quick look at my
swing, would really help with some tips, would mean alot .
Mark, I’m now looking on some new golfshoes for the new season. How is the
traction on spikeless shoes vs soft spikes? What do you think of the FJ
that you have?
So far no review on adams club, will appreciate if you can give some review
on adams club such as adams a12 pro or cb
mark you should do reviews on the tp range of taylormade clubs they produce
different numbers and flight compared to normal versions
set your tee lower?
I used the demo of this driver at the club and i didn’t really notice the
graphics. Good driver though.
Ugly. Go back to the white TM.
Most companies make really good clubs, but the way these companies
advertise their clubs as being long hitters are almost ruining the game of
golf. What good is hitting long distance, if you cannot score well. You
have guys today swinging out of their shoes with their clubs’ when they
should be working on their course management and controlling their shots ,
as to score better. It is all advertising BS. You know( You can’t be a man
cause you do not smoke the same cigarettes as me). get it? Good.
are you like anti rocketballz?
the R1 is looking fly as shizzle, and I really dont even notice there paint
job anymore.
To get the most out of this club you will need a longer and lighter shaft
to create more club head speed, I play the cleveland xl279 with the stock
39 gram shaft with a 44 inch shaft, I hit that about 260 with role so the
club head isn’t doing much really it’s more the shaft that does the work
with a driver, and your loft to a certain extent!
I prefer the first rbz the look is more funky n has a good sound on it when
hitting the ball
You need to do a large review of all the new drivers together! G25, R1,
Rrbz S2, Covert, 913, razr
Hi Mark… Is the 50gram shaft noticeably lighter??
Was hitting my old Burner 10.5 fine and dandy, but too high. I got the RBZ
stage 2 (9.5) to have the option to generate a lower ball flight i.e when
fairways harden up. I have really struggled to get a clean connection and
avoid hitting a bad fade with it. The lower lofts do promote the fade
apparently and I wonder, having seen the video, whether the extra inch in
length on the shaft is the main culprit. I think i’ll stick it back at 10.5
for a while and see if that helps.
Love the rbz
It already looks dated, don’t you think?