TaylorMade RSI long drive challenge. Piers and Andy take on fellow golf pro's Rick Shiels and Peter Finch and European Tour player Johan Carlsson at The belfry in a long drive challenge using a 3 iron.
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No link to part two, guess ill give it a miss then.
God that hurt when we didn’t strike it pure 🙁 #SoreHands #BruisedEgo +
Why use a tall tee ….Should have been hit off the deck !! .Would have
stopped the miss hits !!
why did you guys tee it up on that high tee?
Ginge had a mare
The fella at 45s wanted a go :(
That asshole has to stop fishing for follows
i am a junior but use adult clubs my average drive is 180yrd what could
heip me with my other clubs such as 456789 irons 5 wood and 60* wedge
Cool to see other you tubers featured on your channel!
who hits an iron off the tee???
Hello, I kwon a guy who launches his 7 irons 240 m / 260 yards on the
ground…You can see his video on my facebook… Mike Austin swing done by
a young guy… https://www.facebook.com/gaetan.bikindou