TaylorMade SLDR Driver with Darren Clarke

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TaylorMade SLDR Driver with Darren Clarke and Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark talks to Open winner Darren Clarke about what driver he has in his golf bag and why he uses it. TaylorMade SLDR drivers are on the market and used by many golfers from around the world, what makes Darren's driver different. Play your best golf and have more fun doing it with Mark Crossfield's golf videos on youtube.

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  • Categories: Taylor made


John Boyd says:

I’m a cameraman – so autofocus setting was really off putting.

gbvoul says:

Never seen Mark so quiet.

Gino L says:

I don’t know what I’m hitting because I’m paid to hit it. Their checks
haven’t bounced so I don’t really care.

GalaxyTrigger82 says:

@ST7AM there is no SLDR 2 dingbat check taylormade’s website there is R1,
RBZ stage 2, SLDR, and JetSpeed.

Matthew Collins says:

Driver isnt helping him much at mo, t

HoganGolfer says:

Love the vids Mark, keep em’ up! 🙂

Always Be Shooting says:

Why are you reviewing that old, outdated driver?

Brendon Cornell says:

is the shaft bent on the driver ?

rikkiola says:

Notice you didn’t slate TM this time Mark

Oliver Marsden says:

Great video but sort the focus out!!!

Leftienige Blank says:

Hi Nick , no, Royal St.George’s is a links course on the Kent coast, near
Sandwich .This is St.George’s Hill, an inland parkland course in Surrey,
not far from Wentworth .

MrSniffwiff says:

Ha ha, what a difference! Darren Clarke speaks and actually listen and let
him make his point. Ryder Cup Legend!!!

Rob Atkinson says:

yeah the boy has sold out,this was just a advert!!.taylormade drivers are a
gimmick and nothing else.

n0rpp4 says:

Taylormade – the enemy!

Frederic Bellier says:

The comment about doing a lesson with tiger about dropping the ball was
funny. Pretty sure mark had a laugh about that. I was a bit worried mark
would talk over Daren before watching the videos. But it went really well.
Good job mark. Love your work. Keep it up, and keep getting better. Well
done indeed.

BANDANA960 says:

so first the designer of mizuno chris voshall now Darren Clarke…….these
vids are really fascinating 🙂

9tube1 says:

Good video Mark. Hats off to you for having Darren Clarke in a guest
interview. His physical stature seemed much larger than he appears on TV
during tournaments. I did purchase the SLDR when it first came out but it
was too light for my swing and I returned it. Younger, high-speed swingers
will probably like it most.

Rob Atkinson says:

for those complaining about bitching,its called an opinion,which everyone
is entitled too,and mark himself invites himself.we all appreciate marks
work as a teacher and his expertise about equipment,but now it feels just
abit commercial like.the whole idea why we watch the videos on equipment
is,mark is impartial.if he starts taking the back handers,what do we

JACK 575 says:

Darren* Clarke.

Timmy Hayes says:

Go on big Darren clarke

jayandgem says:

To all the people bitching about Mark, just give the guy a break. He loves
golf and respects great players so obviously he’s gonna be excited about
interviews like these. Marks channel keeps on getting better and better and
this is taking it to a new level. Go Mark!!!!

tomspenwil says:

Is it me or is this out of focus?

TheGolfdaily says:

Set focus to manual for shots like this Marc.

Lucarocks92 says:

Great job mark would love to see more tour players on your channel.

Aaron Ketron says:

Mark uses a NIke driver, and never promotes Mizuno, maybe he just favors
some of their stuff over others?

jppongo06 says:

YES Crossfield you’ve made it big time! Fully deserved, you’re a true
credit to the sport of Golf! Tiger next! 😀

marXman9573 says:

autofocus? had to watch that video twice to make sure I wasnt having a

taylormadefan69 says:

why he using the driver. He wants a new yacht

livid coco says:

Ahhh i want one

Johan Klarin says:

This is interesting, but I want more golf playing lessons! You want to come
to the USA and play a round or two here?

06aikens says:

st georges hill golf club! i sometimes caddy over there!

Karson Kafer says:

Great video

jason stanley says:

There’s really thick people on here making bitchy comments. Yes, it was an
advert for tm, but how else his Clarke gonna agree to an interview, and
anyhow , mark doesn’t charge you personally for his time to make these
vids, so would you begrudge him trying to make a living? So shut up and
bitch somewhere else

nick woolley says:

is this at St. George’s golf club?

Claus Hicks says:

Have you ever met anyone in a public forum that doesn’t smash the driver
330 yards?

TAKE A BOW says:

Yeah get Ernie els

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