The Best Low Spin Golf Drivers 2015

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The Best Low Spin Golf Drivers 2015. Mark Crossfield and Steve Buzza test and talk about some of the best golf drivers for 2015 in the low spin department. With the help of GC2 HMT launch monitor the guys look at the advantages and disadvantages of using low spin drivers on a day to day basis. Play your best golf and have fun doing so with Mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru's fun and easy to watch golf videos.

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  • Categories: Golf Video


Sven Hallauer says:

I like you’re point about averages – the solution is to use the mean
instead. Maybe you can use your contacts in the industry to have the
launch monitors calculate the mean rather than the average?

David Eaton says:

great review guys 

jonb523 says:

Surprised no Titleist 915, not low spin???

danny worsdale golf says:

Comparing apples and pears

Sgt Pepper says:

Liking these best vids with +Buzza Golf in choice since I play the
standard version would be the ls tec,4giveness is the key 4 me.hope your
doing an iron & a hybrid test 2???

Leftienige Blank says:

I thought “vignette” was a lahdeedah salad dressing !
Talking about averages versus totals, the left-right dispersion numbers
on your club tests are always shown in a rather misleading way , i.e. some
10 yards left and some 10 yards right equals straight ?
Total sideway dispersion is really 20 yards, or can’t the GC2 HMT be
reset to show it that way ?

Hacker2024 says:

Looking lean buzz man!

MrShanghai34 says:

#6: Persimmon wood……

Vici Martynov says:

Never really been interested in low spin, as you say, lower the spin the
more erratic the performance. I racked up the loft on my Covert till the
ball flight became more stable, it certainly isn’t low spin, especially as
I hit it very low out the centre of the face (Yeh I know I should put the
ball on a longer tee). Think this is a topic for people who are awesome
strikers of the ball and like driving ;-)

Tom Cooke says:

I might be wrong here but regarding the position of weights and
stability… Weights pushed out towards heel and toe like R15 would
increase MOI about the CG in a horizontal axis, reducing twist and
stabilising strikes across the face heel to toe. The further away from the
centre, the higher the MOI, they have to be closer to the face to get them
as far away from the centre as possible because of the shape of a driver

Added weight to the back of the clubhead like you have set in the Mizuno
would also increase MOI about the horizontal axis but I don’t think it
would be as much because the weight is only one side of the CG (the other
side would be the face). Moving weight back away from the face would
increase vertical MOI though, reducing twist and stabilising strikes from
high and low on the face.

I think the reason Mizuno’s ‘low spin’ setting is with the weights in the
heel and toe ports is more to do with the fact that these ports are closest
to the face, bringing the CG slightly more forward, but it is surely the
most stable for heel and toe strikes as well. 

Rico Schneider says:

Coooool new intro….

David Altendorff says:

do you not like the SLDR anymore?

Phill Rudd says:

Your swing looks erm less awkward Steve. Was it just the camera angle or
have you been working on anything?

Joel Crow says:

Steve you’re looking lean and you’re killing em with that dapper hairdoo…

retry tobuy says:

Good video but I reckon all this does is confuse the “higher” handicapped

SuperMozzman says:

Mark, for the love of god PLEASE hit the old persimmon in the bag behind
you and give us some comparison numbers.

Sammy Whammy says:

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant video! So glad you did this! Knew Buzza
could rip that LS TEC PING a LONG WAY! Fantastic! Thanks guys, you’ve
made me want go out & test the drivers for myself, & play more golf! :)

johnm41887 says:

I never knew Ed O’ Brien from Radiohead played golf.

Taylor Jennings says:

New intro! Lest get stuck in!! Love it!!

Judge Smails says:

Recently had a fitting at Hot Stix in PHX… Fly Z+ was an absolute spin
killer… lowest spin numbers of anything I tried (including the Cally
DBD). But like you said, good strike = obscene distance; Bad strike =
Falls out of the sky like a wounded duck.

10jonesgg1 says:

steve kind of looks like ricky too which is hilarious but maybe a bit far
fetched. still they have a similar duo going on here i think

don blem says:

New Intro / outro!!!

wacky penguins says:

Awesome new intro

GrandmasterN says:

Great stuff… Could you try some older clubs aswell? Like Titleist 975D,
Biggest Big Bertha and Cleveland Launcher. Or Titleist 909D3… That would
be cool. Thanks!

abood s says:

+Mark Crossfield no 915??

Bo Lewis says:

Titleist didn’t make the grade?

10jonesgg1 says:

karl pilkington of golf? hahaha joking. what a great guy, helping so many
golfers a great addition to the game

ksinghvirk says:

Very surprised the Fly-Z+ didn’t make this!

David Altendorff says:

what youre saying is youre loking for the modal average not mean average.

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