The Secret Lag Technique No One is Talking About

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The Secret Lag Technique No One is Talking About

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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23 thoughts on “The Secret Lag Technique No One is Talking About

  1. When they measured the average pro, his hand speed was 25 mph, and the first to move after the weight shift to recentering, I know this is a drill, but slow hand motion is contradictory?

  2. I’ve watched 1000 tutorials on releasing early. Covered every topic from grip to weight shift to standing up… all great but not applicable to my specifics. This “delayed lag” did it for me. Literally one swing and it clicked. You’re the best, Clay!!

  3. Every accomplished player knows that you CANNOT create or manufacture lag and still play good golf. You can try to create lag, and you can do it, but you will play like a hack in the end. Lag is the natural result of a good golf swing performed as an athletic event . Put athleticism and emotion into your swing and you will automatically have lag. Hitting a ball 300+ yards with ease is a myth. The ball has to be hard to do that. And you don't do that without an athletic move which creates lag all by itself. I've tried to manufacture lag at least 100 times and it never ever works in the end. A good golf swing gives it to you with no conscious effort.

  4. Not so sure about shallowing the club out on the way down. Could lead to a hand flip and lots of shots going left. Most top players try and do the opposite

  5. You can throw your hands as fast as you want from the top if you start the downswing with the lower body and clear the hips properly. Your example of so called releasing too quickly your lower body stayed perfectly still and your hips didn't move, of course it looked bad. If you did the same lower body movement with your good lag swing it would produce the same ugly result. If you move your lower body correctly you can't release the club too early no matter how fast you try to release the hands, you'll be flat out getting to release the club at impact even if you feel like you're releasing too early. I agree with everything else you said about casting etc as that's one of the biggest myths in the golf swing that casting is bad as you have to cast to get the club to release in such a short space of time from the top of the swing to impact (if you try to hold lag you're dead), but you exaggerated your example of releasing the hands early by not doing your normal swing with the lower body. It does depend somewhat on the speed of the hips; golfers who don't move their hips fast would do better with slower hands, but for guys with super fast hips they almost have to start releasing their hands from the top or they'll get to impact with the club face way open and hands leaning too far forward.

  6. I'm just getting back into golfing and love the secret lag technique and all the driving, chipping training you give. I'm hitting my 7 iron 75 yards farther and straighter than ever. Thank you Clay for your awesome teaching videos. I'm finally enjoying the game of Golf…

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