The Secret To Lag In The Golf Swing

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You've probably been told how to create lag before, but have you ever been told what you need to feel to generate lag? Learn the secrets to finally knowing what to feel to create lag and release it with that whip of power.

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The Secret To Lag In The Golf Swing

#TopSpeedGolf #ClayBallard #LagDoctor #ExtraDistance

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The Perfect Golf Grip

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This Simple Drill Will Completely Change Your Golf Swing Forever

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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The Secret To Lag In The Golf Swing


It’s a Canes Thing says:

I record most of my range sessions. This is the first lag video that actually produced a ton of lag for me on video.

I must’ve had the face open though because I was hitting big pushes.

Luke McGowan says:

Wow! My left hand only swings work well. I put my right hand on and it reverts to less lag. I've been instinctively taking the thumb and top fingers off while swinging to try and help. This is exactly what I'm feeling and makes perfect sense! Now I know what to feel when I put my fingers back on the club

Travis Craven says:

Did you see the deer when filming?

David Northern says:

This was my eureka moment as well. I still have some rough calluses right at those "red spots" from last season. Haven't hit a ball yet with the new swing, but I can feel the power coming along.

Jim Rathell says:

Loved this lesson. Best description of what I should be feeling.

Moritz Engler says:

Wow, I must have watched thousands of golf clips by now. This is the best one (and as a german guy I'm not so generous with superlatives). The whip effect you produce with your left hand, that really was enlightening for me. Thank you!

Luis bronco says:

buenas la verdad muy bueno video lo disfrute bastante deseo el siguiente video me voy les dejo besitos agradecido

Young Money Investments says:

5:07 Deer just walking through the fairway and he doesn't even notice. ?

Jagge Ren says:

But if you look at a pro golfer in slow motion the shaft is bending a lot early in the downswing and through the downswings first 70 %. The bending if the shaft must come from pushing hard with the right hand I think.

UglyWeeds Texas says:

Deer and golf. 😉

Peacefrog says:

Dagum good Deer cameo! ? You.are the best detailed oriented instructor on youtube Clay! ???

Jason says:

wow I've never had one tip just fix my swing instantly like this. i just went and tried playing without putting my right index and middle finger on the club at all, and instantly started hitting the ball purer than i've ever hit it before. Few adjustments after and for the first time felt the elastic feeling of the club swinging like a slingshot by itself. Realized very fast I've just been stiffly holding the club and fundamentally swinging all wrong. Thank you man!! Question, is this same concept applicable in the driver as well? (I tried and I'm still shanking my driver).

Gary Satterfield says:

Cha chang!!!………nuff said…… thanks Clay

Harith Hassim says:

Thanks top speed golf. Such a great tips.

Lama 67 says:

I feel like Clay could play a Navy Seal in every movie I’ve seen Seals in. Just looks the part. Great video!

Will Millar says:

Oh deer …

J L says:

Wow, this is truly an Eureka lesson to me. Thanks.

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