This One Trick Helps You Hit Hybrids Like a Pro

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If you're looking to improve your golf game, then you need to learn how to hit hybrids like a pro. In this video, we'll show you one simple trick that will help you learn how to flush hybrids like a pro.

By following this one trick, you'll be able to hit hybrids accurately and straight, no matter the conditions. Try it out for yourself and see the difference it makes!


@garykazanjian824 says:

Stripes with Bill Murray. I am a bit confused. I thought hybrids and fairway woods should have the toe up. Should all have the sole lay flat on the ground?

@mikecook5844 says:

That's a fact jack came from the movie stripes with Bill Murray

@JimOsborne-j4s says:

Hi Todd, I am a 77 year old, hi 80's golfer in Seattle and have been watching your lessons for awhile and want to ask you to address what is probably my greatest weakness. Whenever I am hitting a full shot with a longer iron or a fairway wood and my lie and feet are not flat, (uphill, downhill or side hill doesn't seem to make any difference ) I have trouble making good contact with the ball. Thanks for all your past help.

@dougbodenhamer9391 says:

Leeeeee Harvey……'re a mad man!

@Brice2112 says:

Army traaaaaaiiiiiinnning Sir!

@dom3103 says:

Stripes ????

@mem30075 says:

Good stuff….Stripes is the movie (great one)…although I'm new to golf….last 3 years ????

@dougmael says:

jackm1591 beat me to it; the movie is indeed "Stripes".

@michaelmay8680 says:

Hi ihave your book which I am enjoying also short game system I get most of your teaching but do not get post impact follow through I am in uk

@34dawgsgo says:

Bill Murray in Stripes. Yeah us old guys love that movie. Sgt Hulka and all.

@jsant24 says:

Great video.

@lynnemcmahon9378 says:

Army Training, sir

@normfernandez7724 says:

Stripes … Sgt Hulka is our Big Toe

@rayhadley9809 says:

How to stop hooking with hybrids?

@billbartee1653 says:

Good tips. And that’s a fact Jack – Bill Murray movie: Stripes

@randywilburn2491 says:

Of course Stripes great movie

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