Tiger Woods swing comparison 1997 vs. 2015

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Tiger Woods has undergone many changes since he made a hole-in-one at the 1997 Waste Management Phoenix Open. Compare his 1997 swing to a swing he made during the 2015 Waste Management Phoenix Open Pro-Am.

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frankenstein01 says:

hips have slowed way down

John Steven says:

Not much different, only through his swing at the end of it was positioned

shaolinspain says:

Está más gordo; por lo tanto, no puede girar y desgirar igual. También
tiene que ver la operación de la espalda.

It is fatter; therefore, it can not rotate and just backed off. It is also
about the operation of the back.

Jeremy Bader says:

oh that’s it? I was expecting some swing analysis for some reason

lance doe says:

WOW…. I wonder if anyone has showed this to Tiger?…. I see two huge
differences. 1. His head in 1997 is MUCH more quiet. this is basic
fundamentals. 2. He gets his hips cleared significantly more 1997.

Overall, I think his 97 swing is virtually flawless and very Ben
Hogan-like IMO. His swing today has really changed. This is a great video
by the PGA. Tiger should take note.

Joakim Bengtsson says:

faster hips before, its more open at impact. and more flexibel before. he
need to work at that

Winstin Nam says:

PGA TOUR, could you please use the same camera angles when doing these
swing comparisons and such? they make a huge difference

Austin Sachs says:

Impressive how close that got back to that swing after all the surgeries. 

bowtothebowl says:


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