Hitting upwards on your drives, also known as having a positive AoA, is a great way to increase your driving distance, and will overall increase your distance efficiency.
The average golfer hits 1.6 degrees downward, thus losing approximately 20 yards. I strive to hit 5 degrees upwards (or more!)
To get more great distance tips, please visit:
To get my FREE eBook, '50 Tips for Hitting Your Longest Drives Ever!' go to:
If you're slicing the ball, get my FREE video ‘Cure Your Slice in 30 Minutes or Less!':
Thanks. BTW, your audio was frequently cutting out in this video.
Thanks for the great tips Steve. What app or device are you using to get the info you got in this video? thank you again the video
Very clear and very helpful as always. Do higher tees help ?
Very clear tips as usual. Does tee height make a difference ?
Remembering to do tips 1-4 has been a struggle. Workbon bbn it daily.
I appreciate the tips here and in the other videos, very helpful.
Excellent video!
Inside approach bottoming out earlier was news to me. Thanks.
Great communication of Mike's swing teachings. Thanks for the tips
Anyone interested in learning more about golf swing mechanics and methods will have a better understanding after studying the detailed work published and taught by Steve Pratt, Mike Dunaway, and Mike Austin.
Mike Austin deserves to be the cornerstone of swing methodology thinking. You do a great job Steve of bringing his teachings to life!
Great ideas. True to the lessons of Mike Austin.
Steve great information. Check your Audio, it goes in and out, and is hard to hear at times. Thanks for sharing this information.