Top 5 Tips for Hitting Up On Your Driver

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Hitting upwards on your drives, also known as having a positive AoA, is a great way to increase your driving distance, and will overall increase your distance efficiency.

The average golfer hits 1.6 degrees downward, thus losing approximately 20 yards. I strive to hit 5 degrees upwards (or more!)

To get more great distance tips, please visit:

To get my FREE eBook, '50 Tips for Hitting Your Longest Drives Ever!' go to:

If you're slicing the ball, get my FREE video ‘Cure Your Slice in 30 Minutes or Less!':


John Kerr says:

Thanks. BTW, your audio was frequently cutting out in this video.

jarvis ruiz says:

Thanks for the great tips Steve. What app or device are you using to get the info you got in this video? thank you again the video

Thomas Perks says:

Very clear and very helpful as always. Do higher tees help ?

akitedoka says:

Very clear tips as usual. Does tee height make a difference ?

Steve Wolfington says:

Remembering to do tips 1-4 has been a struggle. Workbon bbn it daily.

Jeff Clendenin says:

I appreciate the tips here and in the other videos, very helpful.

James Frank says:

Excellent video!

Bipasa Nadon says:

Inside approach bottoming out earlier was news to me. Thanks.

wrascal067 says:

Great communication of Mike's swing teachings. Thanks for the tips

John Fruner says:

Anyone interested in learning more about golf swing mechanics and methods will have a better understanding after studying the detailed work published and taught by Steve Pratt, Mike Dunaway, and Mike Austin.

pistolpete65over says:

Mike Austin deserves to be the cornerstone of swing methodology thinking. You do a great job Steve of bringing his teachings to life!

Paul Richards says:

Great ideas. True to the lessons of Mike Austin.

Bob McGlone says:

Steve great information. Check your Audio, it goes in and out, and is hard to hear at times. Thanks for sharing this information.

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