Watch Graeme McDowell Give an Unsuspecting Golfer a Driving Lesson

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As part of G-Mac Week on, Graeme McDowell is ambushing amateurs with spontaneous lessons. Here he helps Orlando's Carlos Melendez cure his slice with a simple grip fix.

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Victor Calderon says:

G-Mac is Awesome..funny came back from a huge deficit in the Ryder Cup!..

Rektspresso says:

G-Mac should have made the guy tuck his shirt in first

Steve Ward says:

Dtyler171, it’s called humour…nothing to do with attitude, tongue in
cheek stuff or quite bluntly “taking the piss” life……get one 

Steve Ward says:

Hey, never mind giving the freebies to the septic’s, get yer ass down to
Cornwall & spread the love

Paul Mason says:

haha … that guy never mentioned his name to GMAC yet at the end he says ”
thanks carlos” … oops !!

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