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Why loft up? TaylorMade SLDR driver. Piers and Andy find out the science behind “Loft Up” on their Take Charge Tour in California.
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  • Categories: Taylor made


Andrew E says:

Are u guys still gonna upload the other footage u guys did from your take
charge tour on your YouTube channel such as the videos you guys took at the
TPI, the video with Robert Yang, your course vlogs you guys did at The
Grand Del Mar, and possibly Riverwalk if u guys did, and the footage you
guys took about the Top Golf facility, and the tour of the Top Golf

Solomon Spydro says:

I’ve had an sldr for nearly a year now and love it, everyone should loft up

Stefan K says:

Slight feeling this is turning into a bit of an advert now…. I’m you guys
have contracts and stuff, but please do return to business as usual asap

Sgt Pepper says:

+Meandmygolf Sldr isn’t very Forgiving…

Dylan Cosgrove says:

have you guys ever won in the top five in the PGA

Joseph Tuccillo says:

Love my RBZ Stage 2HL driver. As a newer golfer the loft also helps me hit
the ball straighter. 

Emil Hamady says:

Do you guys move the sliding weight around and does it actually have any
impact? I leave it in the center (2 clicks on the fade side) to put more
mass directly behind the ball. Curious to know how you use it.

Jesper Rodin Augustsson says:

cmon, no numbers?

Alan Bonner says:

Interesting how tee height can affect distance, most fitters won’t take
this into account as invariably they use fixed height tees when fitting. 

Matthew Collins says:

TM advert!!!
Cant stand that bloody company

SuperMozzman says:


SmoothSwingTV says:


malf1969 says:

What a pity, that you haven’t mentioned any numbers (distance, spin, launch
angle etc.) about your shots before and after

Radu1294 says:

Bought it two weeks ago and it was an incredible club !

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