Womens Golf Lesson For Longer Golf Shots

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Womens Golf Lesson For Longer Golf Shots, Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru talks golf swings and helps more golfers from around the world with their games. Steve Buzza is guesting in this golf swing videos helping with some of his ideas around the swing and how to help this lady golfer improve her game. Play your best golf and improve your scores with Mark's simple and easy to follow golf tips, drills and swing ideas.

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  • Categories: Golf lesson


Peter Klemperer says:

Nice job creating content aimed at women golfers.

Chris I says:

Good stuff, understanding a weak swing and appropriate corrections for more
speed-power is helpful for everyone. Thanks.

0XAN says:

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden

PaveLowExpert says:

You should have highlighted Buzza in this video to critique a feminine
swing first hand 😀 #kidding #gobuzza #putting #ithurts

Nathan Sheers says:

Some great advises there +Mark Crossfield on using the two clubs & reverse
club swing. I’m not a big fan on golf aids to help your golf swing, but the
best one I have used and to this day love to death !! Which has helped my
swing plane, timing, strength rhythm & balance, is the Orange Whip, when
used properly and regularly and as well as having some lessons from your
PGA Pro will help any player of all skill levels. I don’t sell the product
I’m just a happy customer !! keep the great vids coming +Mark Crossfield
love your work.

Fn3Putt says:

4:01 u cant talk about putting buzz hahah

John White says:

The only way for you two to emulate a woman’s golf swing is to wear bras
with balloons in them. hahaha!

Jesper Rodin Augustsson says:

reminded me of a crab

Mahavishnu80 says:

Eh little shoulder or hip turn hands are just collapsing. Lower body
unstable have a wider stance.

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