Would I Still Buy the Garmin R10 Knowing This?

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There is a lot of hype around the Garmin Approach R10 launch monitor, but does it really live up to all that it promises to deliver?

I've been using the FlightScope Mevo Plus, TrackMan and PRGR for the last year, so I think I have a good idea on what makes a good portable golf launch monitor and having used the Garmin R10 for the past month, how do I think it compares and is it really worth the buying?

0:00 – Intro
0:10 – What's great about the Garmin R10
2:06 – Garmin Approach R10 Accuracy vs TrackMan
5:40 – Why not to buy a Garmin R10
7:15 – Final thoughts

I got my Garmin Approach R10 from the Net Return Australia, who I can highly recommend for advice, quality and great prices. You can check them out here: https://thenetreturn.com.au/

Product Discounts that I can help you with:

– Super Speed Golf: https://www.superspeedgolf.com/jonperkins
– PRGR Launch Monitors: https://www.superspeedgolf.com/jonperkins
(Note: if not automatically applied, the discount code is: JONPERKINS)
– Shot Scope GPS: https://bit.ly/3Wapt9U
– iRange Sport: https://golfballcompany.com.au/product/stick-lite/?aff=4
– Gravity Fit Training: https://www.gravityfit.com/jonperkinsgolf

If you've used the Garmin Approach R10 I'd love to know your feedback in the comments, and if you like golf reviews it would be great if you'd subscribe to my channel.

Thanks, Jon

Music in this video is from SoundStripe:


@gorilla9519 says:

Anything where i would be able to sync or cast to my tv in my garage and play a round of golf

@jeromemausling6324 says:

You have a sweet looking swing

@rudyruiz9521 says:

Had 2 of them for about a year now. To be honest, I haven't used them much but that is because of other circumstances. In the past few weeks I have used 1 of them a lot. It isn't accurate at all unless I remember to calibrate it before every use. I also don't like that it is effected by any heater or air conditioner. Otherwise it has been good. Seems to be accurate and the battery lasts 2 rounds easy with a group. Very happy, I plan to move in though to something I can also putt with.

@DagN4sty says:

Building and indoor setup in the garage. I am stuck between Garmin R10 or Rapsodo. I do own an Garmin epix gen 2. So data in one place would be nice. But I want more accurate distance and ball speed. What do you recommend?

@mdub1419 says:

heads up, when the spin numbers are in italics on both units its using the algorithm vs actual. RCT balls help indoors though.

@briantreadwell2206 says:

Thinking about buying – what data as a 9 handicap should i be paying attention to – objective to improve my ball striking and is this the best device for a non-prof user to consider

@beanstv6562 says:

Where did you get that black net from please ?

@NobodyGotTimeForThat says:

How much is the subscription for the upgraded graphics? This would be a fun tool to get 9 holes in on the backyard course ????

@redmosq4197 says:

Does it do swing path and club face?

@jarredtompkins780 says:

Just picked one up for $350

@thevision3502 says:

Farming r10 is awful………….returned mine after 2 days of frustration.

@seanjantz says:

Fantastic review. Exactly what I was looking for. Keep it up!

@FavstaRGaming says:

What is the brand/model of net you using in your yard?

@stevehurt301 says:


Great review, how far away is your tee from the net I've just bought a net and Garmin recommend 8 feet then 7 feet t unit, but that's a bit far with my golf;). How far away is yours because it doesn't look like 8 feet from the net? thx

@dub-golf says:

J-Perk! Nice video. Have had this device for three years and it is still solid (esp for the price). Congrats on the channel's success!

@howieboxford7987 says:

Hi mate love the video will definitely be looking to buy this. Please may I ask where you got your net from and how much it was

@wilkers46 says:

Stumbled upon this review while looking to make a backyard setup. This is my second season golfing since my friends got me into it and for what I'm trying to do (just get a general idea of where the shot went and consistency) the value that the Garmin provides is amazing if you arent dialing down into metrics too deep like you said. Awesome review!

@brentschoelen8880 says:

Awesome review and love the comparisons to track man! ???????? The

@Calsov says:

Great review

@scooter5940 says:

I’ve had this thing for about a year and I also use it outside. Your review is spot-on. Price, ease-of-use, and accurate enough. Of course you can buy more accurate monitors with the better graphics, simulation capabilities, etc., and if there is value to you in spending the extra money, great. But I think for the majority of golfers, the Garmin is plenty good enough and will serve the basic purpose of helping you better understand and improve your golf swing. I put the extra money into a very high end golf mat and net that can survive the south Florida climate, and I couldn’t be happier with the system.

@lukeclement1981 says:

R10 is $600 or less. Hard to not like it for that price.

@AntonyBradley says:

Been down few rabbit holes now researching Launch Monitors, I was leaning towards the R10 as it captures what I am looking for and your excellent presentation has nailed it for me. Being algorithm based for much of the data is what it is, but it is accurate enough for what I need. The R10 it is.

@startocastor3477 says:

as far as I am concerned , after looking at so many "customer tests on you tube , I finally bought it ….. and I don't regret it a single second ! This R10 is just magic ! so many possibilities ! Just run and get it !

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