Augusta National Golf Club Skimming Challenge

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Augusta Skimming Challenge with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru and Rory from YourGolfTravel. Filmed at the 2015 Masters during their trip to the event. This is their take on the popular skimming challenge on the 16th hole at Augusta National. Have fun playing golf and watching Mark Crossfield's fun and easy to watch golf videos.


Ash E-B says:

“I’m good at finesse, me…” – Splash! Brilliant haha.

T Golf says:

Aim for the drone next time.

Kr0pD says:

You HAVE to have a drone cam now.
I’m expecting it!

CJ Anderson says:

When I saw the title I thought you guys were going to be trying to skim the
club across the pond…

boothy100100 says:

toppy ploppy

leandrogutierres says:

Epic ending. You should by one of those toys to film your videos on the
course, so we can se where #CoachLockey right misses end up. :D

Mark Hedetniemi says:

Breaking new YouTube ground… drone cam challenge. Love it!

Anders Pedersen says:

How awesome it that Drone footage !!! WOAH !!! #nxtlvlParfield

Justin M says:

omg I choked on my gum right when Mark hit that first shot and I heard the
big plunk hahaha. Also Congrats on some other project as I watched your
videos on Yahoo this morning!

W. Jones says:

More drone footage in the future?

Tom Edwards says:

Drone & a new outro… I DONT LIKE CHANGE !!!

Andi Mayer says:

Toppy Toppy !

Eric Baldwin says:

Not going to lie I sing your little masters chair, Holly’s hair song now.
Its stuck in my head so thanks for that Mark.


Chris I says:

We need a lesson on skimming now, best balls, favorite club, correct face
to path etc. Thanks

CBkrr says:

top first shot, mark

iMondo says:

Chippi Chippi… Nice Work… Yawl!!!

Clash lover says:

So sick

Gav Dabill says:

Great stuff Mark #Topfield

Rico Schneider says:

Toppy toppy lol…

AvatarX-Mr.K- says:

Loved the Overhead view. Great Challenge

natedanaste says:

LOL @ Mark

Vesa Pasanen says:

Well done

sjjrsharks11 says:

Mark – Can you test out the DST Compressor training clubs? I’ve seen guys
using them while warming up on tour. Thanks!

Digby Howis says:


Kelly Tarter says:

lol Topfield

Jonathan Canning says:

Where were u?

playaplayanomore says:

I like the new ending!

liam miles says:


jppongo06 says:

Love the aerial shot from the drone. 

Steve Goodwin says:

I have just been watching your vids to help ME stop topping the ball !!!
Love the vids guys. Nice work, please keep it up

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