Bryson DeChambeau Hole-In-One

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Bryson DeChambeau cards his first ever hole-in-one.

2019 Masters


@TommyRaines says:

Skill or luck ?
Given the typical landing pattern on a short hole during a tournament and the width of the hole, roughly 1 in 1,850 shots would be expected to go straight in.

@NxDoyle says:

That's all great, but it doesn't alter the fact that his name's Bryson DeChambeau.

@benoitmarcotte1104 says:

Be a lot cooler if he did it over a house

@PericoDelgado-q9r says:

Saudi money coming out of every orifice.

@miaimbeach314 says:

We miss him on the PGA Tour.

@ethanrodriguez9961 says:

You gotta love this guy, hits a hole in one and celebrates with everyone at the tee

@OVTraveller says:

Been there and got my first hole in one with my neighbour as witness. Priceless on a par three.

@bos6782 says:

Love him , great human

@tylerjaesmith says:

why is this in my recommended

@thrilljobz says:

Who’s that skinny guy?

@0004332 says:

No one even said "Get in the hole!". Is this even golf?

@ekujj13 says:

Easy when they create a funnel and stick the hole at the end of it. All to drum up excitement. Even golf is fake.

@noitallmanaz says:

whoop de doo

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