Charles Barkley Golf Swing

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Charles Barkley shows off the UGLIEST golf swing EVER!! Courtesy of the GLFHD


@vangledosh says:

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but is there something wrong with him? like a serious injury where his body doesnt want to swing normal?

@EnderiumRace says:

question i have is how in the world does he think that is somehow a normal swing that works?

@josephleon7125 says:

Pump faking. ????

@bvalenz says:

Don’t understand how he could go from swing in video here ⬇️

…to swing in video above

@mattdanyluk4108 says:

Better than Biden

@BOBMAN-zt9fz says:

Bro he smoked that… maybe it curls back right onto the fairway?

@GG-mr9iz says:

Charles Barkley swing makes me feel good about my swing ????

@Icehso140 says:

Barkley has a weird swing and O.J. Simpson had a nasty slice. LOL

@EirinYagokoro says:

Damn Chuck, that's almost a baseball swing ????

@rickegan4096 says:

It’s amazing why he continues to use the standard swing. Why not put the weight on the front leg and leave it there. Hit the same spot every time. It’s not that complicated!

@Jaco3688 says:

That’s painful to watch

@buttdreads says:

Charles the. Biden supporter

@Beller94 says:

Don’t promote this guy.

@chasewainscott8739 says:

It’s so funny that Charles Barkley, BASKETBALL SUPERSTAR, has the worst footwork I’ve ever seen in a golf swing

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