Every Golf Simulator at the 2024 PGA Show!

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There are a ton of options when it comes to golf launch monitors and simulators these days, and the price spectrum is wide. The cheapest units can be a few hundred dollars while the high end can go up to around $100,000 or more for custom setups. The PGA show features most of the best products on the market ever year, so we toured each golf simulator at the show that we could find to give you a brief overview of what's available.

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Try Coach Ed's favorite golf training gadgets:
The Putting Arc – Save 10% here: https://www.golftrainingaids.com/TheGolfSensei
HackMotion – https://hackmotion.com/thegolfsensei – use code sensei5 to save 5%
EyeLine Golf Putting Mirror – https://amzn.to/3NkkcuW
Orange Whip Golf Swing Trainer – https://amzn.to/46PLbWk
Alignment Sticks – https://amzn.to/48RJ71p
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@TheGolfSensei says:

We didn't catch the Flightscope booth to record a video, but they also have some great options to check out in the more middle price range.
See our favorite products at the show in this video: https://youtu.be/pFa80HONa7M

@harbirarora5526 says:

Thanks for this informative video. Is there any update on time and place for 2025 show? With so many brands of launch monitors, so many companies doing installations and offering different options, It makes sense to try these first hand at an exhibition like this before making a decision. Thanks in advance.

@ahighprfmx says:

Can ya'll get someone else this year on camera. Would really like a more detailed competitive analysis.

@michaelhamlin1633 says:

love this type of content! would you do one for portable launch monitors?

@stevew7964 says:

I'd be VERY interested in hearing about what are the few very best turf/mat products out there for premium home setups too. Ones that feel very real and are more safe on the joints as well. Thanks!!

@methodicl2673 says:

I wonder what benchmark you use for Trackman and all these high price sims. Seems to me the only reading you can actually prove is distance because you can physically measure it.

@nephildevil says:

Just wait until those oldtimers discover VR and the flatscreen becomes a 3D immersive world to walk around in with ur buddies

@scottttym says:

Sorry, I'm pay tens of thousands, i don't need a subscription service. What a gyp.

@davidcole2337 says:

If you include price of Launch Monitor you are going to spend a Minimum of $1,000 with you factor in NET, Matt, Launch Monitor, And that doesn't even include PC or Tablet to run it.

@Ben-does-golf says:

Or if you can afford one in your mansion got me ????

@12496k says:

Great content, Ty!

@jaceruscio3849 says:

Great video, thank you!

@unitedbacon says:

Did you see much in the way of outdoor golf simulator setup? A netted ceiling perhaps or awning for flyers that want to go above the hitting net, would be handy. Or a better way to mount, protect your projector?

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