Gimmick Golf Clubs | Pali Golf Course | Kaneohe, Hawaii

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In the past, I have made full videos with each of these gimmick clubs. In this episode, along with Dragon, we play an entire round using only these clubs.


@KSGnG says:

LOVE seeing the PowerPod! I daily drive one and i absolutely love it and it sounds sooo tinggy. Im terrified of it breaking like they are prone to do

@bassmasta9117 says:

You are Anthony Kim's quirky brother

@evanreischman4449 says:

this was awesome. hell yeah ????????

@andrewlau3630 says:

Cool clubs????

@Nakamamas says:

He went hole out before you on your channel. Lemme have that 80 degree. Trade for my 65, same result I just dig holes in the courses haha

@lauismadventures says:

I need to try those.

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