Girl cheats right in front of the camera

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Can you see what she did? Only true tennis experts know


@top_gun_academy says:

An explanation of the rule has been posted on the channel

@EmoNemo4433 says:

As a professional cheater who has never played tennis I can confirm she in front of a camera

@MelodicEgghead says:

As a professional musician, I can in fact confirm that I'm not a tennis court

@RichardaLopez-bk2rx says:

What she do ????

@darylfoster7944 says:

yet another click bait

@RomyReyesJr says:

They are just practicing!!!????
Extra balls on the court??????????????

@Frankdfn says:

As a dirty old man, I ask, was she playing tennis? I must have been watching something else.

@donmitchell6911 says:

check her for balls!

@VenkataGaddam says:

For those who dont know the girl called the last ball out , the audio of her calling out was not clear .

@clarkpickrell5246 says:

I actually play tennis and he means she is basically cheating because she is too good

@Bignewshound60 says:

It is simply the position of her back foot as she serves the ball. So what.

@Bignewshound60 says:

As a tennis player I am sick of this shit with a stupid Asian accent

@georgestewart9290 says:

It’s a foot fault. Get back foot is on other side of centre mark before she serves

@garycitro1674 says:

I can confirm that she's cheating on her boyfriend with another tennis player

@Szuperszam says:

As a five your old on my mothers i pad she got for Christmas. I can confirm my mom threw me out the 3rd floor window.

@carolynacevedo3846 says:

As a slight chocolate enthusiast, I can confirm that girl is alive

@andrewhunter2819 says:

Maybe she's cheating on her boyfriend or husband with the other tennis player. Did you think of that? Huh? Huh?

@jbl.2otd says:

me silently waiting for her to “cheat”

@Shawn-k2k says:

she is a man…

@scottfraser1758 says:

Cheats on who? Her significant other by lying to them about where she actually is. This is a waist of my time!!

@dougest6578 says:

60 years ago when I played tennis, on the server I was taught to toss the ball up and hit it when it stopped in mid air. Serves were supposed to be more consistent that way. It took a lot of practice. Why don’t they do that now?

@Bellend361 says:

Who cares ????????????❤️❤️❤️

@vader_theCrafter says:

As a dude watching the video, I can confirm there are 2 women in this clip.

@gerardotv373 says:

Shocking cheater

@schoney1 says:

As one that has played Ping-Pong, I can confirm that it appears to be a very large table.

@RichardStrawn says:

No cheating

@davidragozzino3287 says:

He's referring to her cheating on him with that other player you thick cunts

@billb945 says:

she's so far away I can't tell

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