An easy & cheap step by step tutorial how to build a DIY golf practice net & simulator enclosure…
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Bungee Balls:
Cheap 3 in 1 Golf Mat:
Expensive Driving Rage Mat:
Archery Netting:
Tarp Clips:
Scaffold Netting:
Zip Ties:
…for much cheaper than the ready-made ones you can buy online! From archery netting to impact screens, golf mats to surrounds, you will find everything you need to know.
Great for use either in the back garden or as part of your golf simulator setup for all types of launch monitors SkyTrak, Trackman, GC2, GCQuad, Mevo+ etc launch monitors.
Time Stamps: what you will need room dimensions impact screen metal frame hitting mat surround netting bungee chords, tarp clips & zip ties tees summary total cost
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My name is Mitch and I am new to the golf game! I began as a 25 handicap golfer and have managed to work my way down to 11 over the past 2 years. My goal is to make it to at least a single-figure handicap as soon as possible and possibly even lower!
My latest investment has been a SkyTrak golf simulator and launch monitor, so that i can improve my golf game at home and especially indoors during the winter months. On my channel you will find some helpful tips and tricks related to SkyTrak, as well as monitoring my progress out on the golf course. I will upload how to videos, comparison videos and also some all important course vlogs!
I hope you enjoy the content on my golf channel and I especially hope that you find some helpful information from my experiences along the way!
Hello everyone! For more helpful content about the SkyTrak golf simulator & launch monitor, please subscribe Handicap Golf
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What did you use to cover up the metal posts from ricochets?
how did you get the steel cheap from the metal store? the current price will be around 230 gbp for all items……
What size tubing did you use from themetalstore?
Doing something similar now
thanks mate
In the middle of building pretty much the exact same but would you recommend putting something round the tubes just incase you hit them and the ball flys back?
Can I ask where you sourced the frame corner clamps?
So many videos where people sit in front of the camera and talk. Get out there and build.
So anyone got advice on how to minimize noise with the practice net? Does this come down to the ball being used and how much "give" in the tension of the net there is?
I paid $150 for a 10' net. One summer of hitting balls into it, it's tearing from the seams. Unusable at this point.
How has this held up 2 years later?
Hey just curious, did you leave this outside and if so how well has it withstood the weather? Also do you have it held down to the ground at all?
Hi mate. Great Vid. I’ve noticed that the metal store do a ‘ready to go golf frame’. It uses the same diameter poles you did and it is 3m x 3m x 3m. However the price is £180. This is a lot more than you paid. Any ideas why this may be? Cheers
Gonna try and use the same sort of cage to build a cricket batting cage ready for the season!
Hi, do you find the archery baffle netting quite noisey at impact? My standard golf netting developed holes after only 3 months, so took the (safety) plunge and recently purchased some 3mx3m archery baffle netting! Sure, no ball is getting through that bad boy, but heck, certainly produces a loud thud at impact!!
What metal tubing and connectors did u choose ?
Thinking of building this for my son. If it’s just a practice net (no plans for it to be simulator) could you use scaffolding net all the way round? And how go you secure the metal frame to the ground? (Probably grass)?