Mark Crossfield Q&A, Do Iron Grooves Wear Out

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@sean8081a says:

How many balls does it take to wear down (brown) the face of a forged club? I've never worn one down, but i see them around. Or does the type of debris wear them down.

@ronr9423 says:

When would you sharpen the grooves?

You make a good point about altering the tolerance of the club if you elect to sharpen the grooves, but I highly doubt one would need to remove very much material from the face of the club and the grooves as well.

I called Taylormade recently about “refinishing” clubs and sharpening the grooves and was told they don’t offer such service and wasn’t given any other information in regards to groove maintenance. They’re not the most helpful company.

@clintvanzyl8497 says:

Mark, iron grooves, not wedges.

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