Moe Norman Single Plane Swing – Week 3 – Golf Test Dummy

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Moe Norman Single Plane Swing – Week 3 – Golf Test Dummy

#moenorman #singleplaneswing #golftips






@barryhamilton3112 says:

Great video. How are you figuring how far to stand from the ball. Moe/Todd seem to be reaching more. Thanks

@dannislee6106 says:

Brace against left leg not right … correct me if I'm wrong

@3o1Golf says:

great video 🙂 your still comming over the top 😀 it will be fun to see how the single plane swing works for you 😀

@billhill4929 says:

You have always had my support going back to Jim Veneto days, thanks for the vids!!!

@Sueezedtight says:

Moe described that "whoosh" as making the club "sing" AFTER impact. So the maximum club head speed (generating the sound) is to be obtained about 1 or 2 feet after impact.Why so? COMPRESSION. A ball struck while the club head is accelerating at impact will go faster than the ball can leave the club face, thus compressing it and causing it to rebound elastically as well as recoil from contact. This is why the smash factor of the ball speed is greater than the CHS. The more you can compress the ball (by accelerating into it) the faster the ball speed relative to CHS. So CHS at 100 mph with no compression gives a ball speed of less than a CHS of 90 mph at smash factor of 1.5 or 135 mph ball speed.

@motocraneguy17 says:

It’s Wednesday..oh the suspense for video 4 already! Haha

@motocraneguy17 says:

Have your shoulders started to hurt? I started to develop trail shoulder bursitis trying the single plane swing from Graves and Junge golf. I flushed more balls and hit them better than I ever have, but keeping my trail elbow tucked in mimicking impact from start to finish was really wreaking havoc on my shoulder. I’d like to revisit the swing but am fearful.

@thegolfingmusician6345 says:

Your getting off plane at the top of your backswing.
Try getting the club lower and no need to take it back as far as a traditional swing.
Don’t worry about distance.
That will come if you stick with it.

@ianthomas4858 says:

Just found you and subscribed straight away on a journey myself all from YouTube started playing again after 12 years and was a beginner then so when i started again i sought some tips found Moe Norman and Todd Graves and i am 6 months in now still learning all i can after a rotator cuff injury it was hard to swing at all like i used to but have just started using nearly a full back swing thanks to a Danny Maude tip even with the half back swing i was using i was playing pretty good for a high handicap so thanks for the vids please keep em coming

@jariallen653 says:

Eager to view on course action, fun.

@wayneboehm5203 says:

I just ordered Todd's book.. deep research..

@glenj.taylor2938 says:

I'm so stoked for this new direction of yours Sir.
As I've went the rabbit hole a bit while pursuing a Certificate of Golfing Excellence from YouTube-U, I believe your classes should be required in the curriculum.
As anyone that knows anything about the more finite details of this game (that is likely just another four letter word for a reason), Moe Norman is THE GREATEST ball striker OF.ALL.TIME! Why he isn't discussed at every opportunity is an outright shame.
It was only recently that I learned of his achievements myself and I just can't learn enough about his life and unique golf style fast enough.
My own swing style is a far cry from his but there are definite similarities. From when I first started playing all I wanted to do was strive to what that man had clearly perfected.
Thank you very much for honoring this man's legacy and undergoing this endeavor. I'm very much looking forward to the future videos.
Also, to all those reading this, if you haven't already, for the love of the game please subscribe and help support this man… pretty please?????

@daveboehne says:

Fun watching the progress! I’ve been committed to graves for 15mos so far. It’s been great the biggest thing is having a model to work at. Takes all the guessing out. If you are not hitting it good you aren’t matching the model. Pretty cool to have that. I also put some time in with Kirk’s method as well and instantly gained distance but was less consistent and graves has so much more content to fall back on. Long story short I’ve learned for SPS you really have to commit to one theory of it. Taking the “hybrid” angle in IMO is no easier to learn than the conventional swing.

@timothypollock8358 says:

Now at I see a pure DTL shot, I realize that you are losing your posture and flipping your club through impact. Your hands are getting a bit high and you are crossing the line too much. What's obvious to me now is that this is all because of the posture change on the way down (which is an old habit and hard to break). On the one swing where you put WOW on the screen which was way out to the right, you actually swung flatter at the ball which is what you need to do. However, you got closer to the ball through posture loss and caught it way from the inside. What you want do be able to do is keep your distance from the ball through impact in order to be able to swing on one plane and release more from behind you. The check for this is to get the lead butt cheek at least back to the address depth on the way down (a little deeper if possible) and get your lead wrist going more out toward the ball and staying flatter. You can only do this if you keep your hip depth through impact and your spine angle on the way down. This will also help you keep the trail foot flat on the ground for much longer. You will be able to tuck your trail elbow into your side more and drive the lag angle deeper into the strike and release (especially just post impact) more around your body. It is helpful to realize that you need to keep the TRAIL SIDE LOW ON THE WAY THROUGH AND MAKE THE TRAIL KNEE TRAVEL A MUCH MORE INSIDE AND DIRECT PATH THAN THE WAY THAT IT TRAVELS BACK. If you do this and keep your hip depth (if you study Moe, he probably even increases hip depth which is the mark of a great ball striker) you will start to strike through the ball much more crisply. This hip depth issue is the bane of the average golfer and all great ball strikers keep or increase their hip depth. This is because they respect their original address levels and the way that the club was taken back on the backswing . You want your levels to be similar on the way down but the rotation tightens which means that trail side takes a more direct route to the ball and the lead side takes a more direct route around toward the rear of the body while the weight shift move the hips towards the target. So preserving levels with tightened rotation ALWAYS means preserving or increasing hip depth during the down swing (at least through impact). Put a golf bag or something behind you with your lead butt cheek on it and try to contact the bag with it just around slightly before impact. Moe recovers his hip depth just a split second before impact and then the lead cheek goes deeper than the address level. If you couple this bag contact drill with stepping on the blade of a wedge with your trail heel and trying to not let the shaft fall until well after impact you will be well on the way to creating a super solid one plane move. Sorry that I've gone commando on the advice here but I really want you to majorly succeed and I can see that you've got a few obstacles in the way to that outcome. Best of Luck.

@rickcudmore8156 says:

What grip have you decided on, in the video it looks like 10 finger?

@mrkipling3841 says:

Loving this single plane series. One thing that stands out from your swing is that you stay in the shot longer. No slappy hits.

@Alan_Edwards says:

Hey Chad, well I took my single plan swing to my Par 3 course yesterday. It was pretty much what I expected. My iron striking was much better. Especially from the grass versus the tee. I am hitting the ball first like never before making very crisp shots. Shot dispersion with my irons is nothing I have ever experienced too. I think that has been your experience as well based on what I just saw. On the bad side my hybrids, and fairway woods, which I used to hit very well, were in the tank. But I have not spent a lot of time working with them so it was not surprising. When I first started playing I was frustrated to be honest since I was not scoring better and was about to flip back to my normal swing but stuck with it. Practiced with my hybrids when I got home and worked some things out so ready for round two probably next week. Short story…I am going to stick with it. I cannot give back on my iron striking. Hitting them solid and making good contact is worth it to me. I might end up going back to some longer irons since I stop at the 7i now. You are my inspiration brother so keep it going. Real excited to see you take this to the course. A little miffed about the R10 since I have one, just no place to use it right now. Anyway, keep it up. We are counting on you !!

@miker5502 says:

Keep Motoring forward Chad! Cheers Mike.

@hongtao2932 says:

Single plane swing may have shorter carring distance but more striaght. It is very hard for me to increase the driving distance at my early 60 but easy to achieve accuracy by single plane swing. Will you try the one length irons next time?

@SimplifyYourSwing says:

Love watching the progress and seeing you dive into the SP world. The trolls love coming out on this one…been there and done that. I’ve found the key to my Single Plane is to start and impact on same plane, there can actually be a little variation (I.e. shallower back swing allowing for a slight over the top), and you can still enjoy amazing accuracy and insane straight shots. (I love when people say something about my setup and swing on the range/course, then eat their words with how straight and consistent I hit it.) Setup is key!!! Get this down and throw in some single length irons and you’re a whole different golfer!

@bonscottrocks1728 says:

Thanks Chad always good content. I myself have been using this variation of Moe's swing. It took me half the year but I'm starting to see progress. Also enjoy when you show these different types of swings. I still use Jimmy V's swing at times. ????????️

@Dvldog says:

What about stance width and ball position? If done correctly I think the single plane swing produces a more sweeping type of contact producing a shallower divot. Interested in your thoughts.

@nunyo7259 says:

Gotta work on that steep over the top move a lil. Results look like they're working so maybe not.

@bayougolf7524 says:


Your correct when you said “ going into this rabbit hole maybe hard to get out”

When one understands how the single plane swing improves there shot pattern that’s when the exit door on the rabbit door closes

It did for me

@alanduncan9204 says:

Glad you spotted the issue at the top of the swing. That really is off the plane. 
It could be the legacy of having an upright conventional swing. The single plane is a stiffer tighter less fluid action especially with the lower half of the body. Your left knee needs to stay pointing in the direction your left foot is splayed to, and I think you need to splay further to 10 o'clock. Your left knee falls and comes back as you get to the top of the back swing letting the club travel further and go off the plane. If you put more resistance in the left leg moving you are forced to add greater coil on the muscles of the left shoulder and trapezius , shortens the back swing, and allows the snap back for the hitting section/motion of the swing………well that is how I do it.

@randyvelder949 says:

Looking forward to the outside shots .Just don't start drinking a case of coke a day like Moe????

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