PERFECT Backyard Golf Setup. Starting My Own Golf Academy?? | Bryan Bros Golf

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Welcome the ultimate backyard golf setup!! Hopefully y’all enjoy this and hopefully y’all are ready for the Bryan Bros Golf Academy(maybe)!! ????????????????

V1 Golf App:

Rukket Net:

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@alas26 says:

Where do I get one of those hitting surfaces!?

@4Zoe331 says:

Do your neighbors complain about the noise? I think mine will. Wondering what I could do about that.

@loganbrowncreative2078 says:

I love how your glove is on while setting up the net. Ready to go!

@edwardjacksonjr.5266 says:

Nice work! But what’s the name of the launch monitor app for your phone?

@mddraino31 says:

Did he mention where he got the mat from?

@drvngrange says:

Mat looks DIY, is it an if so how can I repeat.

@KosSports says:

What golf mat is this?

@johnq4196 says:

how did you make that hitting mat?

@ahmedhussein3058 says:

Comment for suppoet

@willchristensen4248 says:

I'm late to the party but your channel editing is great, the content is great and the talent is fantastic. Really enjoyed the (probably newer) short game practice competition video. Anything that helps the club-level golfer learn about tournament prep and general ways to straight up improve, is much appreciated. All the best, cheers.

@TylerMitchellGolf says:

what app is he using to see the distances

@mudbugsoff-road4081 says:

Luv the mascot

@noelmurillo1325 says:

What app are you using for the yards and mph ? Is it in the v1?

@C_gf says:

What mat are you using?

@dfox75music says:

How far is your ball from the net? Rapsodo recommends 8 feet. At that distance, will your shots sail over the net?

@tneswick2 says:

Damn, Marc Rebillet is pretty good at golf

@Burtsc says:

I hope cleaning the back yard up included throwing the Clemson chair in the trash !

@CapsFan082892 says:

Does anyone know what net he's using?

@TheBooze13 says:

I wish my dog was as chill as yours. She hates golf lol can’t swing without her trying to kill my club

@johng2116 says:

can you show us how you set up your entire backyard range system?

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