Possibly The EASIEST Way to Improve ANY Golf Swing

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Possibly The EASIEST Way to Improve ANY Golf Swing

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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15 thoughts on “Possibly The EASIEST Way to Improve ANY Golf Swing

  1. Love the visualization as many have commented on. Wondering if the motion at contact is a “whip/snap” the paint off or just a smooth “sling” of the paint. Anxious to try at range. Thanks so much!

  2. An extremely worthwhile visualization… the paintbrush and "paint fling", paint a clear picture to keep in mind for a successful smooth swing. Thank you

  3. The inside out swing is over all the wrong approach when three things happen an two are bad then why would do it approach the ball from the back with a slight open face an see just how strait you can hit the ball

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