The Best Golf Product of 2025? #shorts #golf #review #technology

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Spending $20,000 is so overrated…

We haven’t been this blown away in a while.

Not only does the Garmin R50 rack in at $15K LESS, but the user experience is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

It’s rare we see a revolution in any space in golf, but the R50 is giving some of the biggest simulators a RUN for their money.

We tested it up against the market…



@visarma9673 says:

One of the best Golf Accessories for 2025 is the STOW STICK. WILL BE IN THE INVENTORS SPOTLIGHT…. See You There…

@jacobmccain8082 says:

Also that whole PC built in only works with their in house software. If you want to run TGC or E6 you need the gaming PC. Really cool tech though.

@josephmilitello7905 says:

SOUNDS kind of expensive??????????????????

@videom says:

5000 dollars PLUS 10 bucks a month (until Garmin raises the price like everything else). These things are still too expensive like everything golf related.

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