Spending $20,000 is so overrated…
We haven’t been this blown away in a while.
Not only does the Garmin R50 rack in at $15K LESS, but the user experience is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.
It’s rare we see a revolution in any space in golf, but the R50 is giving some of the biggest simulators a RUN for their money.
We tested it up against the market…
THE DATA: https://mygolfspy.com/buyers-guides/golf-technology/best-personal-launch-monitors-of-2024/
One of the best Golf Accessories for 2025 is the STOW STICK. WILL BE IN THE INVENTORS SPOTLIGHT…. See You There…
Also that whole PC built in only works with their in house software. If you want to run TGC or E6 you need the gaming PC. Really cool tech though.
SOUNDS kind of expensive??????????????????
5000 dollars PLUS 10 bucks a month (until Garmin raises the price like everything else). These things are still too expensive like everything golf related.