Which Launcher XL Iron is Right For You? | Cleveland Golf

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Cleveland Golf ambassador @MarkCrossfield walks you through our Launcher XL Irons. Crossfield goes in depth on the key technologies of the Launcher XL and Launcher XL HALO Irons to see which of these new irons perfect for your game.


@aponoypi says:

Do you have sales? I want the halos and your smart wedges set? Do you have a veteran discount. Thanks

@andycusworth3323 says:

Mark, love your reviews on the Cleveland irons. I'm looking to buy a set of Cleveland hybrid irons because my iron play with my old Callaway big Bertha irons 2006 model is dismal at times, which of the Cleveland hybrid irons would you say are the best in your opinion? The HB, XL Halo etc. Look forward to your opinion. Thanks Andy

@rexvaughn986 says:

The launcher XL irons with graphite shafts seem very light. Is C8 swing Weight the correct number? It seems very light compared to other mens irons.

@kolchak3578 says:

I’m going to get a hybrid style iron set in a few months. Just not sure what to get. The Cleveland, Cobra, Wilson, or the new Stealth HD. They all look good. I’ll have to see what I can find locally so I can swing them.

@aledperkins1201 says:

Love my Launcher XL irons! Do the Halo irons sit square at address and not closed? I have a Halo hybrid and find it sits closed. Contemplating the Halo 5 iron to merge into my Launcher XL set.

@jonnydaniel195 says:

The launcher XL iron with the VT sole is so good for so many players. As a fitter for the money and options it's one many shouldn't skip trying.

@aaronmahanga7635 says:

It's XL for me mr cleveland golf ⛳

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