Divot Board Review – The Best Golf Training Aid?

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The Divot Board golf training aid for golfers wanting to hit pure iron strikes and better golf shots. Fix your golf swing and stop duffing iron shots with this super simple golf teaching aid.

Use code CROSSFIELD10 to save 10%
Find The Divot Board Here: https://www.divotboard.com/Mark

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Welcome to the Mark Crossfield Golf Channel! If you're looking for world-class golf instruction and honest equipment reviews, you've come to the right place.

Mark is the original professional golfer content creator with a passion for helping others improve their game. On this channel, you'll find various videos featuring golf tips, advice, and drills to help you play better golf and reduce your handicap. From fixing your slice and hook to driving the golf ball longer and straighter and improving your ball striking, Mark has over 25 years of coaching expertise to help you become a better golfer.

In addition to instructional videos, you'll also find equipment reviews to help you make informed decisions on the best gear for your game. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started in golf or an experienced player looking to take your game to the next level, Mark Crossfield Golf has something for you. Tune in and start your journey to better golf today!

Music by LabelGREY


@garygwynn9146 says:

how much….no thanks

@junior75605 says:

Problem is if you’re not level with it you’ll thin your shots.

@lloydranola2594 says:

I have a problem with the ball staying on the board when the practice mat at the range is not level. Otherwise it’s cool training aid

@tonymc7731 says:

Can you buy these in UK? Or are they sent from US? Thanks

@jamesblock9102 says:

Is there a reason you can’t secure to grass tee with a couple tees or a metal “tee” on front and back. Otherwise great immediate feedback training aid. Love it.

@mycommentpwnz says:

I am so confused.

@mikeb9763 says:

About 12 years ago give or take you reviewed the TaylorMade Rocketballz RBZ (the black with green accents) and strongly recommended them for a game improvement iron. I ended up taking your recommendation and purchased a set. I still use them now! Glad to see you’re still on YouTube!

@SteveSmith-wv8ug says:

Nothing new and they just copied a device that’s been on the market for years..

@jonfowell9045 says:

What’s the difference between this and acu strike please

@johndutton4005 says:

Great in theory – less great in practice due to the product's lack of durability. The sequins on the top surface easily become damaged from the blows from the impact from the club's sole. But, Mark wouldn't know anything about that – he only used the board for the length of the time it took to produce this promotional shoot. My suggestion for someone determined to purchase this training aid: buy the replacement pad (or two) – you will need it soon. Only costs a little less then the entire divot board.

@brianwagner9518 says:

great video

@michaelkingsbury4305 says:

I'm taking my first golf lessons right after New Year's, and wonder if I can even hit the ball. This product sounds perfect for a beginner

@pbode1 says:

Looks like it's almost an inch thick… did that want make you to grip the club lower on the course? Definitely looks as if you didn't. (my own brain would probably tell me to).

@whaleshark2625 says:

Could you share some drills with the divot board Mark? Just picked one up using your code after seeing Lou Stagner was using one with you!

@geraldbodner4000 says:

Thank you…just ordered one and have been looking for a video with a few drills and extended explanation of potential use.

@pez555 says:

£72 shipping ????. No thanks.

@bobbyrayatkinson says:

Excellent demonstration, sold!

@larrystein4293 says:

Are you concerned that the thickness of the divot ball trains you to hit a ball that’s above you feet?

@JohnOzimok says:

I recently purchased the Divot Board, great training aid! I love this tool, but I just can't hit in front of the ball. I can hit it about 1 inch behind the marker. Are there any drills that can straighten me out, Thank you very much! Mark Crossfield , the Best Teach out there!

@JiffyBiff says:

I bought a Divot board a month ago or so, and it's REALLY improved my strike, especially on wedge shots where I was fighting a dose of shanks, but also improved contact with all the irons. Highly recommend…. though I bought mine through another supplier, same idea.

@darrenbyrne5345 says:

GRF golf has been using this along with their own amazing training aid. Check them out mark

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