Do THIS For 5 Seconds and PURE Your Fairway Woods!

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@lptwenty9971 says:

hey pete great video, im having a massive problem with driver and really any grpahite shaft atm with getting the club behind me too much and then my timing is out causing a 2 way miss my irons and wedges are great because i can cover them but woods and driver i stuggle a little bit wiht consistency

@huttboynz4422 says:

Hi Peter, love your content! What’s helped me hit fairway woods off the deck more successfully is slowing my takeaway and pausing slightly longer at the top of my back swing. Plus making sure a keep my arc as wide as possible by pushing hands away from my body as far as possible. I then find it easier to push off my lead leg and transition nicely through. I’ve fought long and hard at the range and this for me has eradicated numerous top shots with woods off the deck!

@ElvisPriscillaPresley says:

Was it Pete Cowan who said 90% of ams shouldn't have a 3 wood………….

@peterscott1498 says:

When you lift your left foot weight must shift to your right. Do you have to re-centre at the top of your backswing? ????

@Smit2088 says:

Another top video Pete. Do you have any tips on what the arms/hands do post impact

@TheRealSlimNelly says:

“If you like these videos, check out these bricks” ???? 9:58

@bassmasta9117 says:

I have a Cobra 3-4 wood that is adjustable and I set it to 15.5 degrees of loft.. feels amazing when I hit it but it is a very long club. Since I am using it as a 4 wood essentially do you think I should shorten the club an inch?

@paulg1358 says:

Straight line test is essentially the best part. Thanx

@bazlulhaque8502 says:

Hi Peter,
Wow!! This video couldn't have come at a better time…
Thank you so much,
Recently bought a 7-wood & 9-wood, but was t having much luck getting them off the mat.
Watched your video 3 times, amd armed with your tips headed to the range today..
OMG!!!!! god bless you mate, i was launching balls off the deck like missiles… ❤❤❤
Thanks and all the best.

@michaelallen2501 says:

How do you swing up 1° and launch at 10.9° with a 14° club?

@lavin214 says:

Best thing for amateurs is to ditch the 3 wood as we don't have the club head speed. Go with a 5 wood, it'll go farther and you can actually hit it off the ground.

@johnnyfartpants111 says:

Thanks Pete. Can you confirm that the backswing and downswing remain fundamentally the same between irons/woods/driver?

@willuexwilluex6241 says:

I pull out the XR on short par4s , narrow fws, and windy days….all from the tee. No confidence from the ground.

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