I show you how I set up my low cost but effective golf simulator in my small garage. I highlight the three big obstacles I faced and how I solved all three (small space, garage door opener in the way, and how I would utilize a projector). Costs of the setup are also highlighted. If you are looking to build your own cost effective golf simulator in a smaller space, this video may give you a few ideas.
If you are interested in purchasing a Spornia net (as seen in this video), please consider using this link to make your purchase to support the channel (thank you!): https://spornia.com/?ref=xMNNCYacwl3fSr
Please consider subscribing and leave any questions or comments below. Thank you!
Dude, I love golf, but am terrible at it, but WILL put something like this together. I have seen about 15-20 videos of setups, and your video is by far the best, and most helpful that I have seen, I will watch it again to work out what I can do, and how I can do it in my space in Thailand. I HAVE ALSO SUBSCRIBED…..GREAT WORK MY MAN…..
Hey! So what was your total length needed for the sporina and your mat and the space to swing? I ahve about a length of 13ft long and 10 ft wide. I was thinking the spornia is 7ft, and I could hit within 1' of it and have room to swing a driver.
One thing you didn’t cover was the vertical dimension. How high is your ceiling? Are you limited with what clubs you can hit due to ball flight (lob or sand wedges) or club path (driver or fairway woods)?
Did or do you need 8 feet between skytrak and net? Play better told me that was something optical launch monitors need
darned music
Great video! I’m wondering if you ever hit balls that escape the 7×7 net (shanks, push, pulls, wedge)?
Great video, thanks! This is the second video of yours I watched today. Hopefully you won't get anymore posts about calling it a low budget sim (sheesh). Question for you… I'm going to do a similar build as yours with about the same length from mat to the SPG-7 net. I'm likely going with a Eye Mini Lite. When playing a course on E6, have you ever tried putting using your Skytrak? Just wondering if it's possible being that you would put right into the net. Seems like it would be strange, but still curious.
Great video. Thanks for sharing
I see how it was small, but how was it cheap?
This fool gay?
with an even more limited space setup (and way more limited budget) I ended up with an even cheaper setup with very similar results: Fiberbuilt Flightdeck (same mat as yours in a compact version) – 70 USD, 1.5in gym flooring that's level with the mat on both sides, 50 USD , Spornia SPG-5 with shank nets, 210 USD, used skytrak on ebay for 500 and just my phone on a stool for the "software". Prices have gone down since this video too so it's cheaper than ever to build a great simulator for under 1k USD that would fit even inside a 700sqft apartment living room (my case).
how many feet away was your skytrak from the net in this video? I don't understand why skytrak says 10-12 feet away from screen is recommended when it's not a radar unit. I bought skytrak because I wanted to be more like 6-8 feet away from the screen so i can hit lofted full shots and save space overall. m space is not fully set up yet so i'm trying to see how many feet others placed the unit away form their screen/net?
Hi Golf Quest,
We'd love to see an update on your simulation build and upgrades you've made over the past 2 years. Please share with us when you can. Thanks for everything you're doing, my build is similar to the one you've presented in the video except I went with the Garmin R10. Thanks again!
How high is your garage ceiling? 🙂
I can understand everything you purchased EXCEPT for the Kramer picture:). Wife made you put it in the garage huH?:)
Ipad Air ? You can get a mini pc for 80 bucks used. If it can emulate wii games.. its powerful enough for that.
Lol. When I built mine, I added a projector. Everyone loved it. I'm the coolest guy on street
Nice setup, what is the total length of it?
Do you think it is possible to store the Fiberbuilt Mat vertically up against the wall when not in use? I want a garage setup that I can break down when I want to park the cars, the Spornia net seems to break down and store relatively easily it's the mat that I'm not sure about. Fiberbuilt's website says this mat is ~150lbs, which while heavy, suggests that it's rigid enough to tip up against the wall without issue. True?
Can you use the skytrack with a gaming PC with the latest golf sim games?
This is a sick setup the coolest part is the krammer!
What golf program are you running? And is it a download app?
So from your iPad to the Apple TV that is wireless just Bluetooth. Maybe that’s where the delay is??