How to install Net & Hardware – Just For Nets

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“Just For Nets – How to install Net & Hardware” is a video to show what kind of hardware you should have and how to set up the system to hang your nets up. You can apply this system to your garage, back yard, warehouse, or any place you named it.

You can find the hardware kit here:

You can find the 10 X 10 Dynamax Sports High Impact Golf Net here:

Galvanized cable
Eye Bolt X 2
Turnbuckle X 1
Cable Clamp X 6
Spring Clip X 10

1. Screw an eye bolt to the wall
2. Extend the turnbuckle and attach it to the eye bolt
3. Slide Galvanized cable through 3 cable clamps, make a loop through turnbuckle and slide the cable back through cable clamps again.
4. Tighten the cable clamps.
Tips: If you want them to be more secure, turn the 2nd cable clamp upside down for better grip on the cable.
5. Go to the other side, screw another eye bolt to the wall, and pull the cable tight by hand lock the cable with 3 more cable clamps.
6. Contract the turnbuckle to make the cable tight
7. Clip the Dynamax Sport High Impact Golf Net to the cable with spring clips every 1 to 2 ft.
8. Slide the net across the cable and your own net system is all set!


@brodyroby2161 says:

is there anyway to safely secure this to the ground, I hate having to fix it every time

@joemuscarella2391 says:

Are the carabiners steel or aluminum?

@CalvinWang-h1s says:

How are you?

@John-lb8eu says:

What if you don't have expensive warehouse shelving in your garage. Can you attach it to the wall?

@mwils51 says:

You should know how to use cable clamps before making a video on it. Never saddle a dead man!

@Jexxisuss says:

Could I place this outside my garage door to protect it from a basketball? We plan to hang a basketball net above our garage but don't want the ball to damage our garage.

@Mkarim1793 says:

In your experience what is the maximum length you can install the cable without putting too much pressure on the posts and risk bending them inwards.

@pasindumalith says:

What is the size of cable used

@scooterbananas says:

For hitting golf balls, how far from the wall do you need to have the net?

@VickyLatorreArt says:

Can I use these hardware for a Baseball Batting Cage? Thanks.

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