How to keep right elbow in during your golf swing

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@gustavogarciaswengel8679 says:

Rori does exactly this as a drill before impact:

If done early with wrist action, it's casting. Done in sync with the lower body and left arm lowering as shown, this positions the club in the slot beautifully. In fact, this is a great way to lower the arms as Rori and pros do. For me, it's the best downswing key I've found for puring impact and avoiding fades and slices.

@oddsaad says:

Bringing in the right arm helps you squat into shot and keeps the club shallow

@Carter-nj9cs says:

Um Ben hogan?

@61JZ says:

I rarely see amateurs attempting this. Where have you seen them doing this?

@rickstokes2239 says:

Hogan was known to always keep his elbow in and he was one of the best strikers in the game.

@InfraRedNeck says:

This contradicts everything I’ve been told about the golf swing.

@stephan.schwarztr says:

Is there a video with a more detailed tutorial? ????

@angeloc700 says:

Such a nice swing, Nat!!

@saltycapers says:

Great drill. My buddy showed me this a while back and it definitely improved my striking

@jakeallen476 says:

almost seems like your arms fire before the body. do you feel that? I know feel is different for everyone.

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