A basic understanding of the illusion of control along with how probabilities dictate our success eliminates the effect of every throw on every other one.
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Great video. Excited to work with you in Portland this August!
That is a nice mind set, I will try it! Thank you Scott!
Last round at our home course I was so upset after bogeying three holes in a row, I lost that round, but I will try this!
Ať to lítá! – is the saying in Czech Republic 🙂 in translation it means Fly well or something like that 🙂
Wow, this is a great way to look at the game, thanks. Impressed with your channel!
Great way to break it down!
That’s one of the best & simple videos on mental game advice I’ve seen under 5 min. Thanks !
I cant believe that this video hasn't gone viral… because you are talking about disc golf…. but isn't this about everything in life?
If a coin comes up heads 10 times in a row there are 0.00048828125 % chance of it happening again the 11th time. thats 1 in 2048. But iknow what you mean, and it's a great lesson for the course, and an even better lesson for life. All that matters is now. You are a zenmaster disguised as a disc golf dude. – Love your lessons Scott, you are my favorite teacher. I miss the blue hair though.
Yes! Great video that is well thought out and very useful. Thank you.
Excellent video. I have been missing this kind of intelligent analysis on disc golf and especially on the mental aspects of the game. I have enjoyed everything Mr. Stokely has published starting from the VHS/DVDs and other stuff. What Mr. Stokely does better than anybody is explaining the logic behind every statement, technique or even opinion. I really appreciate also the fact that he can change his opinions if they prove to be incorrect. I am looking forward to seeing more great videos.
Nice to see more videos, this one is great as usual. Thanks Scott!
I know the letting go is the hard part but it only affects the hole I am on, next hole I say to myself new hole new challenge. It is hard to let go on a hole as I then have to reathink how to throw next shot after if I messed up.
Great stuff Scott!
I saw through the illusion of control a long time ago but I still have problems letting go of my last throw or round sometimes.
This past monday I shanked a 16' putt and got a leftside chainout because I was too busy padding myself on the back for nailing a flexshot through a tight gap to reach the green, the locals telling me that almost noone ever birdies that hole also got to my head a little… brings another saying into mind: "don't count your chickens until they hatch."