How To Practice, FOR ALL GOLFERS!

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???? Thanks for watching! Make sure to check out…How To Practice Golf At A Driving Range (FOR ALL GOLFERS)

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@barrysfriend382 says:

christ, thats a 3.50 euro warmup

@TagalogTeeTime says:

This is sooooo helpful! Thanks Coach Peter!

@AndrewLane-pm2ro says:

The biggest myth in golf is that hitting balls on a range will improve your game.  The best way to practise is like you play – hitting one ball (and one ball only) on a golf course. 
Hitting one ball after the other on a range is fake golf and teaches you nothing … in fact, it's likely to make your game worse.

@tomsheern4741 says:

How about a barely lit driving range next to a ski slope with threadbare mats and golf balls so old they are now basically smooth?

@MikeHogan-cy8hs says:

River Maigue Mr.Finch not the Liffey that runs through Adare ????????you'll just have to come backband play it again ???? ⛳️⛳️⛳️

@thescratchplan says:

Anyone trying to get better at golf, find a good range routine and stick to it!

@jaydenhogan507 says:

If my local driving range was like that I’d probably practice about 80 times a week

@eriknash8783 says:

What happens when 80% of your shots are shanked hosel bombs?

@eriknash8783 says:

LOL, I live in one of the most expense places in the world and there are loads of golf courses and some practice ranges, but none of them have ball tracking features like this unless you go to a private country club or Disco Top Golf. Most practice ranges won't even give flag distances, so you need to bring a rangefinder to know target distances.

@Obi1to1 says:

This works… kiss – keep it simple stupid!

@Pete.C says:

Watched the video. Went to the range after 7pm. Hit balls. Drank a coffee. Could not sleep all night. Thanks Pete!! ????

@coachbennett10s says:

Can you order that specific swing plate?

@bvgolf3 says:

I just shot the worst score of the summer and kind of deflated… any xtra motivation/advice

@flimflama9333 says:

Bad advice.. tiger hits 5000 balls a day

@divotdudes says:

Love this video. About to get so dialed in

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