The BEST Beginner Golf Set… No ONE is buying in 2024!?

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Do you need to spend thousands to upgrade your bag in 2024 or can you build a great set on a budget…

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@DegasparreBarkhurst says:

Combining elegance and luxury kislux

@lakelandpiper8400 says:

This douchenozzle was the biggest bully in school and just needs to go away. If you do not have a $5,000 setup you are not worthy to him. Do not support him in any way.

@Jorvik1990 says:

Great advice, it's alot of information any chance you can type the list of clubs put to help? (Not all the info just the list) thanks !!

@LumbardHailey says:

HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day <3

@Frag2xx5 says:

you seem like a wholesome guy and the information you gave us was great too, good luck on the road to 100k! ill be following

@rodneyvonC says:

can you review to tokomo 101s? youre the only reviewer i actually trust

@Jeremy-yr8yg says:

Just got into golf at 51. Found a Ben Hogan H40 cavity back iron set 3 thru pw with senior flex graphite shafts and golf pride grips. Guess they are an ok set. Also got an old Ping putter and an old Wilson titanium drive, old Mizuno 3 wood and an old Warrior 5 wood. All in a decent Izzo stand bag for 75 bucks. This was at a pawn shop

@niceandneasy says:

This is possibly the best beginner “build my bag” video I’ve seen. The current crop of popular UK golf tubers tend to follow a rather formulaic approach to the topics they create. Build my bag being one such example. Of course this is a mutually beneficial relationship with used golf club companies so it’s all good as a consumer. However, I must stress I find the SAS Golf channel to be more bespoke.

Anyway, as a mid to low handicapper, I still found this video fascinating (I am a learning and development specialist with nearly 30 year’s experience) and extremely well constructed. From a personal perspective I’m hoping you do more Simon notably for those looking to get into single figures ????. Keep up the great work ????????

@alwayscurious2376 says:

What Adams hybrid/wood would you recommend?

@jbweezer says:

How about some Adam's V4 irons set (and 4-6hybrids that are usually part of the set)? if you can find them, it's a real cheap set to fill out most of your bag until you improve and want to upgrade. Awesome GI forgiving clubs that's as good as anything in the same category today. That's the set I started out with and I keep them in a backup bag for buddies who want to occasionally golf but are not "in the game" atm.

I upgraded to the Adam's CB3 irons last season and regularly get 1.45 smash factor on them which is incredible…why spend thousands on new forged clubs that won't get me better efficiency? I liked them so much I bought a 2nd set of heads-only and I will be fitted an optimal shaft in those later this year when my swing is grooved in. I put a Mitsubishi 80 MMT graphite shaft in it and my buddy above hit this old club (7 iron) 196 yards and he was floored…about 25 yards farther than his 7 iron (182 carry if ur curios).

@FiftyLibros says:

This is quality content by someone who knows what he’s talking about

@chYnaRIP says:

wedges and putter are the most important clubs in the bag. beginners miss a lot of greens, and will have to chip, or hit shots from 50 yards in. and you putt on every hole

@deanlackey385 says:

Can you do a cheap bag with more of a players irons set? I really want to get a nice cheap set but don't know where to start!

@BrockEllery says:

My eBay finds of yesterday.
All TaylorMade.
R1 black driver $95
Burner Plus irons 4-AW $185
TP Soto putter $105
All prices $US after taxes/shipping.

@nwluce1 says:

I like the way you built that bag affordable quality components that will grow with a golfer good job!

@andyfrizzell4352 says:

Good stuff. Might have just solved my next driver quest? Living about 1500km and another country away from the nearest golf shop, an updated all metal driver appeals as a replacement for my 9 or 10 yo Cobra. I don't need the potential stress of a "fragile" glued head.

@gerx18 says:

Did the driver drill today I'm very happy with the results,less effort, more distance, and accuracy. Thanks !

@Ckuo13 says:

If I had to start over I would 1000% use a chipper. Best beginner Club by far

@poohbar2000 says:

Love this! Thats a good looking bag and far nicer than an off the shelf package set.
Any chance you are doing one of these videos for intermediate and advanced players?!

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