The Role Of The Lead (LEFT) Arm In The Golf Swing

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@jmb7196 says:

Eric is the best coach on planet❤I play golf since 35 years, Hcp 1.4 and i learn and progress in my golf game with him every day !!! Congrats from France ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

@joed706 says:

Hey John, are you a pretentious, arrogant prick all of the time, or just every second of this video?

@EatsOnTheStreets says:

I would love to see a tour pro critique these teaching videos. How much of these really hold water?

@MST_290 says:

Your guest is talking about rotation of the whole arm – which is internal/external rotation of the upper arm. Pronation/supination is when the forearm rotates independently of the upper arm

Also your guest suggests rotating the whole lead arm towards the target before lead arm parallel in the downswing. For most people this will just throw the club over the top and steepen or turn their swing plane even more left (which amateurs definitely dont need!)

Usually think your videos are some of the best but think some of the advice here could damage a few swings

@LocalScopeMarketing1 says:

Wow this is a great explanation, esp focussing on the armon, not thw wris as it will follow, great stuff! rotati

@FlankerJackChannel says:

Something I'm coming to realize regarding this topic is that my grip strength in both hands should not be equal. My left or lead on has the most contact with the club and should be controlling matters while my trail hand has a lighter grip and is used more as a guide during release. We talk about grip and grip strength in terms of both hands but never individual hands or feelings.

@richyclubsport5155 says:

Hey Eric, I've seen lot's of comments, some negative, and quoting Mike Malaska, Mike did do a series of videos explaining this, he described it in a different way, likening to the steering wheel of a car. For a right hander steering turns right, back to centre and exit left, different way of explaining but the same results.

@bassmasta9117 says:

I have been doing the Ben Kruper "pause" to double check my left wrist is flat and the face is square and then fully committing in the swing and it has changed everything. You can really swing hard and use your body when you're not thinking about timing up your face

@virtualbown says:

Eric, doesn't this also need to be sequenced with body rotation? Meaning do you have to have the right amount of body rotation to keep this whole thing from going left?

@TML34 says:

The problem for AMs is that forearm rotation = open clubface in the backswing. That’s where all the flipping and early extension at impact comes from. The forearm rotation needs to paired with proper wrist angles for everything to work.

@Tnt2717 says:

Please explain the difference between what Makaska says and this.. Eric you are totally confusing us amateurs. Which one is right throwing a ball or this feel which Makaska says ruined his golf career.

@scottreiber6879 says:

Just feel like you start down with the left arm and then immediately start to release the right arm. A slightly stronger grip helps square the clubface at impact. That's all that matters, because a split second after impact the ball's gone.

@nasiruddin-zq6ik says:

Thanks Eric for this great video. What will be the grip pressure with left hand and right hand for right handed player?

@123GPA says:

If you square too early or too fast won't it snap hook?

@user-ff7le3bw9p says:

Don’t think this would be great for those of us who s bad shot is an overdraw

@whenmullet2674 says:

Totally contrary to Malaska.

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