Why Can’t Everything Click At Once? #golf #golfskill #golf101 #golfswing

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@andrewconnor4429 says:

Right now my 3w and hybrid cant hit them staight. Driver and irons, cant miss. I think it's the length and plane and probably my set up now that i think about it, distance from ball gets me confused.

@heresthedealwithcodyb8527 says:

I’ll take that par all day and twice on Sunday!!!

@tjdonaldson4489 says:

You get one skill slider you can drive, You can hit iron shots, Or you can putt what do you want

@ADMartinGolf says:

The closer you are to Christmas the more likely you have to club up.

@josephavant8700 says:

Your lie is halfway in the rough, your sweatshirts tell me it's colder out, clouds show me moist air and rain recently or soon. All those variables = shorter ball flight… Take your PW next time 85% swing…. Dance party for birdie. Your welcome.

@iz8380 says:

130 if you hit it perfect. How often are you perfect? Should’ve clubbed up

@patrickguerra4053 says:

Par is clicking. Birdie is beyond clicking.

@DesertMike says:

Are you kidding. Not clicking and you make par. Come on man.

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