Best Golf Clubs For Beginners

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Through my 28 years of teaching golf I have recommended golf clubs to hundreds of beginners. I want to share with you my favorite golf club sets and individual clubs for beginners. I have provided links below to all of my recommendations.

#beginnergolfer #beginnergolfclubs #golf #golfequipment #golfclubs

Herer are links to all the recommended golf clubs.

Ram Golf:

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Palm Springs Men's V2 Golf Set:

Confidence Power Men's V3 Golf Set:

Callaway Strata 12:

Callaway Strata 16:

To See All The Golf Products I recommend:


@matKilla9801 says:

I bought the Callaway Strata 12 set yesterday and have been debating returning them and trying to find a different option to get into the sport. Your video helped me decide to just keep these clubs and start playing.

My only question though is how do these clubs compare to good quality clubs from 30+ years ago that are now all banged up and used? Because I could get a used set like that for $25, but I don't know how much of a difference this modern Strata starter set would make in comparison.

@ricardodafonseca9043 says:

Thanks Michael. Good info here – refreshing too, especially when most other recommendations are priced on the high side

@jarretwaldman3685 says:

What are your thoughts on on the Ram EZ3 Iron set compared to the FX Iron set?

@SoCalMisfit712 says:

Saw your beginning golfer lesson videos, good stuff. You see so many beginner videos that don’t show you the basics like you did.

Here’s my club questions. I enjoy the game and am gonna keep playing. Should I invest in a set of players irons like a p790 or a t200 style club. Or should I go with with a game improvement style? Something more forgiving like the ai smoke or the t350’s. I want to get better at the game and I know that comes with time. But I don’t want too much of a crutch with my clubs.

If I play with something like the ai then when I feel like I’m comfortable and step up to say a 790 or a blade I don’t want to feel lost. I understand your choices for a beginner set due to the prices. Just wondering how to go about making these moves thanks.

@dealameal5242 says:

Don't mean to keep bothering you and commenting but another golf-youtuber came out with a video today with this title "How I Became Pro Hitting Less Than 50 Balls a Week"….thought it might make you laugh. By the way, I'll probably punish myself and watch it. That's the appeal and draw of "clickbait" youtube titles.

@dealameal5242 says:

Have another question that might make a good youtube video contentwise for you. When trying to improve your swing should you try to mimic the style or body-type of a certain player. For instance, Morikawa has a beautiful swing but what if you are the size of Bryson should you try to replicate his swing? Whom should you choose? By the way, "choose yourself" doesn't seem to working…LOL!

@dealameal5242 says:

Got a bit more of a complicated question, what if you are a mid-player and only want to upgrade SOME of your clubs with "killer $$$ clubs". Most people say expensive drivers immediately add 10% or more of yardage. I've wanted to create a best-value per stroke small-set of clubs… maybe….1) driver 2) putter 3) hybrid to replace a few irons 4) wedge …but don't know how to adequately test them all.

For example may a chef might say all he needs is a certain number of his quality knives, is this mindset applicable to golf? Basically for mid-players which clubs should one upgrade to get the most value and strokes saved?

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